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Joined: 01 Dec 2004 Posts: 19023 Location: Leeds
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 05 8:33 am Post subject: Govt welcomes water efficiency intiative |
Environment Minister Elliot Morley added his voice today to those welcoming an industry-led initiative to promote improved water efficiency.
Waterwise - a new body funded jointly by water companies but acting independently of them - has set itself the target of reversing the trend in rising demand, and reducing stress on the water supply-demand balance, within five years.
Mr Morley commented:
"Water is currently a scarce resource in some parts of the country, and looking ahead it is clear that climatic and social changes will add to the pressure on the water supply network.
"Improving the efficiency with which we use water is essential if we are to mitigate the impact of these changes, and this is a welcome commitment by the water companies to add impetus to measures already in place.
"The Government has long supported a twin track approach to meeting the balance of supply and demand, in which the full range of measures to reduce demand are pursued before improvements to the supply network are planned. Demand measures involve a range of activities to influence the habits of consumers and of businesses, and encourage the adoption of improved technology and design.
"As part of the co-ordinated, collaborative approach towards ensuring a sustainable water supply, Waterwise has a welcome contribution to make."
Notes for editors
1. There was a steady increase in average household water consumption between 1970 and 1990. Since 1990 most of the additional demand for water has resulted from the increase in household numbers rather than an increase in consumption per household. Ofwat reports that average per capita consumption has risen from 146 litres/head/day in 1994/95 to 154 litres/head/day in 2003/04.
2. Principle guidance for the 2004 price review (PR04) stated that water companies should first look at all measures to reduce water demand (leakage and water efficiency) and only develop additional resources where these measures are insufficient (the twin-track approach).
3. Government undertakes a number of measures to promote water efficiency including the Envirowise programme and the Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECA) scheme for water efficient technologies.
4. Government is currently assessing the feasibility of a product labelling scheme for water-using appliances to indicate their relative water use.
5. In its response to the Sustainable Buildings Task Group recommendations, published in July, the Government outlined its priorities for improving water efficiency in new housing, not only in the working building, but in every element of the design and construction process.
6. Water companies have a duty to promote the efficient use of water by their customers. Water companies activities undertaken to meet this duty are summarised in Ofwat annual reports on the Security of supply, leakage and the efficient use of water. |
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