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Promoting British Regional Food

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Joined: 01 Dec 2004
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Location: Leeds
PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 05 9:26 am    Post subject: Promoting British Regional Food Reply with quote

Defra Press Release


Some of the finest quality regional food and drink was sampled by environment and agriculture ministers from across Europe in London this weekend (9-12 September).

During the UK's Presidency of the European Union, the Government is supporting British farmers and food producers by promoting the best of the UK's regional food and drink.

This weekend, more than 50 EU ministers and delegates had the chance to taste a wide selection of quality regional foods from around the country, including fish landed in Plymouth, chicken and turkey from Norfolk, soft fruit and potatoes from Kent, root vegetables from Lincolnshire and runner beans from Cornwall.

UK Secretary of State for Environment, Margaret Beckett said:

"This meeting is a great opportunity for ministers from across Europe to experience the excellence and diversity of the best of British food and drink. I am sure everyone who tastes our fresh produce will agree, that the range and quality of British regional food and drink is world class."

"My department is working in partnership with Food from Britain to provide support to the industry which employs over 55,500 people."

"Over the last three years we have given an additional �3 milllion to Food from Britain to help more than 3,700 producers increase sales and raise consumer awareness about the quality of British regional food and drink in the UK and across Europe."


Notes for editors

1. Following the recommendations of the Curry Commission, Defra, working with Food from Britain (FFB), the Regional Development Agencies (RDA's) and the Countryside Agency jointly agreed a Regional Food Strategy and prepared a new structure for support of quality regional food initiatives. FFB take a lead role in England and are receiving additional Government funds (an extra �3 million over 3 years starting 2003/04) to promote quality regional food. This is one of the measures assisting farmers to add value, as set out in our Sustainable Farming and Food Strategy (SFFS).

2. Food from Britain is a non-departmental public body with a remit as the UK's international food and drink export marketing agency, to help build the country's food and drink export business, as well as assist producers of quality regional food increase both their UK and international sales. More information on FFB's work can be found at www.foodfrombritain.com.

3. This (2005-06) is the final year of the original 3 year programme of support under the Regional Food Strategy. Defra has commissioned ADAS, the consultancy, to undertake an economic evaluation of the Regional Food Strategy to inform decisions about further support for the sector. The regional food groups and FFB are both keen to know about the future of the programme and whether Defra will continue to support the sector. Defra will be considering the results of the ADAS evaluation this autumn.

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