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Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Mon May 29, 06 10:40 pm Post subject: I WAS ON TV. |
Hi ALL,it was on at 6pm on the 23-5-2006,and again on the 24-5-2006 at 6am,which I thought would have shown more about the way I do things after spending nearly the whole day filming,but 10 minutes was allowed for each section of the programme,which after editing changed the context of what I said to fit what some people are like,who like to be so different,it became laughable,which I did not know about when I said they could help me to promote me and my ideas.
For a start my name is Pendergast not P(r)endergast,and I live in Eltham in Greenwich not Dartford in Kent,and when I said that I can grow things in the desert,this was said in the context of an example along with other ways. And for me to say that no matter what happen I will not give up my re-use of waste project,was said when I had most of the old folk allotment plot holders against what I was using my allotment plot for,and they were doing things to try and get me off it in many different ways,which I'm pleased to say has died down now. Apart from that it did show me and some of my ideas off to others which someone might have found of interest,which we enjoyed anyway,which I hope others did too. John. J.R.P. |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Blue Sky
Joined: 30 Jan 2005 Posts: 7658 Location: France
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 06 10:07 pm Post subject: ASKING FOR HELP? |
Hi ALL,for those who are interesed in my ideas,I sent a e-mail to the Permaculture Council of Management UK the other day to see if they can help me to get my ideas used,and I've sent a e-mail to Sir Cliff Richard too,to see if he can help me,as he believes in tying to help others too,in his own way.
I'm waiting for a reply from both of them,I wonder if I will get a reply, as one has two people at the heart of a big organisation,and the other one is a fames person with a big heart who is in his sixtys too,like me.
May you and yours live long and happy. John. J.R.P. |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 06 12:38 am Post subject: |
Hi ALL who are interested in the way I do things. To day the 5-11-2006 I reveal my latist design in a upright transportable growing system,which is my latist project to help those who have not a lot of space on the ground surface,but have a fence or railings or a wall going round it,which could be used to help hold it in place. I designed it for children to use or someone in a wheelchair or someone who can't dig any more. I've added 3 photos to my Cereal Crop Growing photo page for you to look at,and I've changed others on my 3 other Crop Growing pages too,which I hope will change your mind about digging in the future. My Project is to be used by our local community to show a different way of growing things,and to have fun too doing it, by adding some colours to the containers to show who's who's when in use. With a end result of a Private back yard with lots of coloured plastic containers surrounding it,with lots of different things growing in them, which also has a new green wire screen as a backing too,attached to railings which go all the way round it. Which my 3 photo show the first 3 stages of on my website. I have other designs for you to look at in the future which I hope you will find of interest too. May you and yours live long and happy to see lots of fireworks. John. J.R.P.  |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 07 1:58 am Post subject: POLYTUNNEL WATER RECYCLING IDEA. |
Hi ALL ,for those who have a polytunnel and want to recycle rain water,which does not fall on their crops because they are covered by the polytunnel.
May I share another new idea of mine with you which I believe as not been tried before AS IF I HAD a polytunnle which I believe is a good idea to use.
MY IDEA IS, I would make up a system to catch all the rain water which would normally run off the polytunnel, which I then would make go into a water butt done in a simple way.
First I would buy some cheap plastic guttering or long lengths of plastic pipe which I would saw down the middle to give me two halfs each time,these I would support by putting 2-4 say 10ft bean canes or less at the furthest end corners,and I would sink them in about 1 foot,then I would laydown alongside my polytunnel all my lengths of guttering until it came out enough to flow into 2 water butts,one on each side of where I would walk in,putting 4 canes to support where the ends of each gutter over lapped each other,so that no water leaked,held in place by what ever you had like tape or string. This I would do on both sides right next to the cover so my guttering was sloping down towards my water butts resting on bean canes spaced out in 4s at each overlap joint.
I would then put a length of guttering along the back of the futhest end sloping from one side to another a bit,resting on the top of my 2 side gutterings where the 4 canes are on each corner,but a bit shorter so that any rain water will drip down into the side ones,held in place by what ever you are using.
Next is how I would get my rain water into my guttering which is away from the side of my polytunnel. I would use any sheet of plastic for example,bin liners cut in 4 - 6 inch wide long strips or green bags or even shopping bages would work over lapping each other too..
NOW COMES THE BEST BIT,I would get a real of sticky tape of some sort which will stick to the polytunnel cover material,I would then lay all my lengths of plastic in line with my guttering so that some of it can be stuck to the polytunnel cover and some lays in the guttering not stuck. JOB DONE.
What I would have then is a polytunnel with a attached flap like system that lays inside my guttering which slopes down into my two water butts supported by bean canes,I would then lay some more bean canes down on top of the flaps inside the guttering to help hold it in place. This way would also work if my polytunnel was on a slope too.
It's up to you now whether you try it or not,I have over 8,000 small water buts I use so I'm ok. May you and yours live long and happy. Happy New Year 2007. John. J.R.P. |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Mon May 28, 07 1:04 am Post subject: |
Hi ALL, if you went to see or exhibited something growing at the CHELSEA FLOWER SHOW this year or in the past, would you like to see the way I grow things exhibited there, as I've been sent an invite TO APPLY to next years show, because my projects are to do with saving lives, reusing waste, and growing things, which all come under the heading 'Gardening with Climate Change'. Of cause I wont the answer to be Yes, and the reason why, but if you don't then say so, and the reason why, as they say it's good to talk if it helps to solve a problem. May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. J.R.P.  |
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