Hornbeam 4
Gorse 2
Holly 1
Hazel 2
Field Maple 2
Cherry Plum 2
Barberry 1
Buckthorn 2
Broom 2
Anything toxic in there?
Joined: 16 Dec 2004 Posts: 22790 Location: Montgomeryshire
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 06 4:47 pm Post subject:
Don't think anything is toxic, but if you're thinking about grazing some sheep near it, they will devour the broom in no time at all. Guess how I know this
Try to protect the plum with the spiky ones, as the little buggers like those too.
We won't start putting the sheep in there for at least 5 years, would they still be trouble at that age?
Joined: 16 Dec 2004 Posts: 22790 Location: Montgomeryshire
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 06 5:07 pm Post subject:
I don't know, to be honest. I've seen mine standing on the trunk of a tree to bend it over and get at the leaves . It wasn't protected by spiky things though, so you may well be OK.