Posted: Mon Sep 11, 06 1:52 pm Post subject: Buying land
Can anyone give advice on buying land? How do you go about getting a piece of land-where should you look to find land for sale etc. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Also I have to move out of my yurts and am looking for temporary storage for them, can anyone give me any suggestions on finding something affordable?
Any preference on location, what kind of acreage, what's your budget, what do you intend to do with the land?
Joined: 16 Dec 2004 Posts: 22789 Location: Montgomeryshire
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 06 1:59 pm Post subject:
Decide where you want to live, and then buy the local paper or visit any estate agent that also acts as a land agent. In our paper, the land ads come after the house ads.
Land can be sold by private treaty (i.e. you make your offer to the seller and they decide whether to accept it) or by auction - tends to be about half and half in this area.
Location: probably South Shrops
Intend to put on a yurt and grow food and perhaps some kind of sustainability project eg courses etc.
Am looking for 1-3 acres
Not sure about budget, I guess around 10, 000
What kind of rules are there on land usage, apart from the obvios planning permission rules
Not loads really, they're unlikely to agree to any kind of construction, temporary or permanent (incl polytunnels in our area) so you really need to find out first.
Of course there are people that just move in and start living there, just found out one of our neighbours did that, built a little place (no permission) no one objected, 9 yrs later they sold up.
Cool thanks, I 'll log in later to see what comes up!
Joined: 02 Nov 2004 Posts: 34535 Location: Hereford
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 06 3:49 pm Post subject:
Herefordshire, next county down. 3 acres went for �15,500 this summer, near us. 4.5 acres for �21,100. Larger plot had water, smaller didn't, and both have road access and are liable to (partial) flooding. Just a price guide.
Joined: 20 Mar 2006 Posts: 2943 Location: North Herefordshire
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 06 5:54 pm Post subject:
Believe me I speak from bitter experience you wont get anythin g for 10,000 in South Shropshire.
We went to an auction recently, looking at 1.8 acres on a nasty busy A road crossroads and it went for 32,000.
We've been looking to do exactly the same thing as you for a couple of years now, it ain't easy.
Best of luck
wellington womble
Joined: 08 Nov 2004 Posts: 15051 Location: East Midlands
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 06 6:40 pm Post subject:
have a look at, under farms, estates and land - good for window shopping and getting an idea.
I come from South Shrops, although I don�t live there now.
In my opinion, If you�ve got �10,000 head a few miles further west, over the border. Most of my friends who I grew up with in Shropshire are now living in Wales, having been pushed westward by wealthy incomers. I can�t afford to move back to where I grew up You cant get a brick sh*t house for under �100,000.
And the local development plan basically says �no development outside pre-exisiting development�
Head towards Welshpool, some nice land around there. Good people too.