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stumbling goat
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stumbling goat
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Midland Spinner
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Posted: Fri Jan 23, 09 8:56 pm Post subject: |
Thanks for all your input people, it�s been thought provoking to read the various replies.
To recap on the opinions so far:
Economically it probably makes sense in the long term to upgrade my fridge*, but to find out I�d have to get an energy monitor � say �20-30, but I might save myself �25-50 per year so it would pay for itself in about 2 - 3 years. (A new fridge will cost me at least �107 (cheapest I could find on a quick google), but that one probably won�t last long enough to pay back its energy debt to the planet.) But I knew that anyway � my dilemma is whether it�s environmentally worth it.
* The budget is stretched fairly tight at the moment, but IF it was worth it to the environment as well we might take the plunge and do without something else for a few months to scrape the money up, but if it�s environmentally wrong to replace it, then hey, money for food is good, but the occasional beer is nice too.
I did find a blog where someone had calculated the embodied energy of a generic fridge and worked out that it would take 3.5 years for the fridge to save that amount of energy, but it was based on fag-packet calculations and estimated figures (turns out the industry don�t give out details of the energy used to manufacture fridges...no surprise there!). But then it turned out that he�d made a mistake in the maths and is no longer sure of his figures, so after reading three pages of maths, he ends by saying �don�t rely on these figures...� So I�m no further forward on that question, I didn�t bother noting down the url because frankly why should you lot have to wade through three pages to get to the disclaimer at the end as well.
My fridge might contain CFCs (although I seem to remember that we paid more at the time to get one which didn�t, although I can�t find the paperwork, so maybe that�s wishful thinking). If it does contain CFCs they might leak out, which I hadn�t thought of before. It�s working OK at the minute (stops to touch wood) so I guess that that indicates that it has a fair amount of the refrigerant fluid still in place. Disposing of the fridge increases the chance that the CFCs will leak out during disposal.
If I decide to replace it I could try to re-use it here � no children to worry about getting trapped in it, but also limited space for derelict white goods, and anyway I�d have to safely dispose of the refrigerant first. Can�t use it as a cupboard because there�s no space, don�t want it in the garden (ditto), so could take it to the local �household recycling site� that�s three miles away, up hill, I think that it might fit on my bike trailer size-wise, but would probably be over the SWL, and anyway the roads are scary enough without emulating Tony Hawkes (�Around Ireland with a Fridge�). So there would be some fossil fuel involved in transport. I don�t know if the council would charge me for the disposal.
So to sum up: I still don�t know if I should or not. But it�s getting gradually noisier over the passage of time, so I guess that Marigold will have the last say.
marigold wrote: |
Ponder long enough and the problem will solve itself... . |
Midland Spinner
Joined: 13 Jan 2009 Posts: 2931 Location: Under a green roof
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