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My fantastic �new� mangle
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Joined: 29 Aug 2008
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Location: North Herefordshire
PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 10 7:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

cassy wrote:
Cobnut wrote:
I did a proper clothes washing without a washing machine �dress rehearsal� yesterday and it was pretty successful.

So glad it went well!...

Thanks, so am I! I�ll probably continue using the washing machine until I move out of the cottage though, but it�s great to know I can do a decent load of washing entirely without electricity without too much bother.

shadiya wrote:
�Have to admit, that doing all my washing by hand is one bit of downsizing I've tried to ignore, I shall have to look at it again. How long do you reckon you spent on it?...

...Any suggestions on mangle purchasing? Should I look for a particular make? I'm thinking in terms of availability of spares etc

From start to finish it took 1 hour to wash about 2 thirds the amount I can get in my washing machine, but about half that time was letting it soak though; about 15 minutes before the first bit of possing, then another soak, then another play with the posser. It wasn�t as hard work as I thought it was going to be either.

As far as I know mangles aren�t being made anymore in this country, but Lehmans in America make them (and sell spare rollers) and I think they will post them here. I suppose if you�re after a mangle that will stay at home then you have lots of choice as many 2nd hand ones come up on eBay. But I needed one that was as portable as possible as I�ll be nomadic, so I went for the Acme with it�s own fold up stand.




Joined: 04 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 10 9:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can do a week's worth of washing, for 2 people, excluding bedding in an hour and a half.

This includes lugging the water by hand though, so I'm hoping to be quicker once there is running water available. I've been pleasantly surprised that it's not as hard work as people said it would be. Maybe their idea of hard work and mine is different.

I did start a spreadsheet to try to figure out if it would be a better use of my time to earn the money to run the machine or to do it by hand. It worked out at 8 hours a year more work to do it by hand, but this did not take into account the embodied energy of the systems or the freedom from consumerism, which is worth more than 8 hours a year to me.

I've taken to doing a bit of dyeing while I'm out doing the laundry too and that gets another job done which I would not usually have/make time for.


Joined: 02 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 10 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, I'm impressed and feel humble. I'm going to definitely move doing the washing by hand up the list of things to do. Especially as it means that first I have to buy a mangle which means ebay

How I love an excuse to spend money on necessary items! If only my bank manager was a bit more understanding....


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 10 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've seen 2 mangles on ebay but they're in the North of Scotland and I'm not heading home any time soon


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 11 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like mangles as technology, so not knocking your new mangle, but I wouldn't want to give up my washing machine.

I remember my father talking about doing the weekly wash with a dolly.
His mother was a tiny lady with massive hands from all the hand work she did, including turning mangle, wringing by hand etc. OH's grandmas were the same.

Did anyone watch the Edwardian House the other year - when a big stately home was run for the summer by "servants" for the benefit of the "gentry"? They interviewed everyone at the end. The girl playing the head maid said that her grandma had been a maid and by the time she knew her grandma, her hands were very weak and floppy. She'd worn out her hands. She'd always wondered how on earth her grandma could have worn out her hands, but having done the job of maid for three months she really, really knew.

I've had to hand wash in my time, with and without mangle at different places. With mangle is better BUT give me a washing machine any day. Currently run it on a timer to use overnight electricity. One day will add solar powered hot water to that.


Joined: 23 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 11 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had a mangle when I lived in Garn Dolbenmaen. Proper one with big wooden rollers, much easier than the ones with small rollers

It did "eat" buttuns though

One of the things that couldn't move South with us


Joined: 18 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 11 8:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I seem to remember from my Social History, that in the 19th century, in coal-mining families, the mangle was an incredibly important part of the cottage economy.
If there were a fatal pit accident, and the widow was left to cope, it was said
"Oh, well, she'll be all right, she's got a mangle", meaning she could make a sort of living taking in washing. I also remember that communities would raise funds to get a mangle for a widow if she hadn't got one.
Slightly off-subject, early photos of working women sometimes feature a woman wearing a man's cap - she would be a widow who had become breadwinner and head of the household.

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