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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sally_in_wales wrote:
WOW (picking jaw up off floor) thats a serious bit of property. Can we all come and visit???

Some more jaws on floor here, though what you are meant to do with that many bathrooms is a little unclear


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 6:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jema wrote:
sally_in_wales wrote:
WOW (picking jaw up off floor) thats a serious bit of property. Can we all come and visit???

Some more jaws on floor here, though what you are meant to do with that many bathrooms is a little unclear

Another jaw here too. Good luck with it all


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sally_in_wales wrote:
WOW (picking jaw up off floor) thats a serious bit of property. Can we all come and visit???

No, that's a serious ALOT of property


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So you can all see why he would rather commute from CA. Even if there is a bit of hassle now and again.

We would officially be there on visitor status. We are moving into my mums in devon until next March. She has a little land and no rent!!!

Are applying for PR current wait after getting AOR is 18 months. I would then after March go out for up to 6 months at a time with the dogs and our son and use it as a holiday home for that period. Steven would come out on his weeks off. And when I am due to fly home on return ticket he would book leave for that period to look after dogs. Callum and I would go back to UK to see relatives. Then book up and go back out again. Bit of tooing and froing and playing the system but we are currenly 30 points clear over the entry level and do have relatives out there already so unless they suddenly upped the limit we cannot see why we would not get in full time.

My mum is letting us use her address as our permanent UK address as that is where we would be when in the UK.

Worse case scenerio ... points limit gets dramaticlly raised and what do we have.. one hell of a nice holiday home that we could rent out when we are not using it. Dogs are very old so to be fair it would be nice but a miracle if both Newfies were still around in 18 months. The lab would still be alive but less animals means if we cannot get in then we can get a small place near LHR. Mum is having the chickens unless anyone on here wants 10 warrens (all good layers) and a Foresham Cottage Ark for �50.

We feel that property allows us to have the best of both worlds, we can work some of the land, have horses and switch off.

I promise to keep everyone updated and also promise that as the house is on the internet that I shall keep posting and send photos and updates. We are also long term once PR comes through happy to have paying guests!

Oh yeh mortgage is through Conti though BOM are also happy to have us. Mind you if property in UK goes for more than �310,000 then we might not need a mortgage.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 7:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Forgot to say for tax purposes Steven would be paying tax in the UK but as he would be long haul he would spend less then 90 clear days in the UK so would be for tax purposes classified as non resaident so I think the accountant worked out he would pay �24 of tax, (not bad on a �90,000 salary),once we get PR then the remainder of the �90,000 is taxed as overseas earnings by Canada. But we can afford that. And there are always off shore accounts.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 8:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow - my head is spinning - this is fascinating. sounds incredibly organised - are you used to living elsewhere? It's not really any of my business but I am interested. A friend of mine is moving abroad to live and I have long chats with her - but I just can't imagine doing it. I do not feel tied to a house but it's something about all my past history. there is a welsh word "hiraeth" which sort of translates to a longing / homesickness. I can so see the attraction but can't imagine doing it. (Hmmm warrens all female and a home for them - I think I might be interested but I guess you are a long way away! Just grabbed the last of our possible cocks is it pointed or rounded end to neck feathers - will be back soon)


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well we both started our lives in Essex. I went to uni (or as my mum calls it - left home and never came back at 18yrs.) Uni was Lougborough I was with Steven at age 18yrs and we have stayed together. Steven luckily for us was posted from LHR to Brum just after I went to uni. So when in my second year at Uni I needed to find housing we moved in together at Tamworth and I went up the m42 each day and he went down the M42. We then slowly accumulated more animals and out grew out detached Edwardian house and so moved to the Black Country as we could not afford land Solihull side.

We have never lived full time abroad but Steven has to do exams abroad and conversion courses abroad and they can last up to 4 months so now and again I have gone with him.

We view life as a one off , there are no read throughs, so you should take oppertunities when they appear. Sometimes they might not work out, but then you have learnt a life experience, sometimes they do work out and again you have added a new dimension to your life. I guess we just do not like missing the chance and excitment of extending and enhancing our lives. We will miss people but like I said you get one life, and thats what e mail, letters, web cams etc are for. And to be fair with a house that size my mum and dad can come out for an extended holiday without tripping over us.


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

All the best and keep us all posted


Joined: 16 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 14, 05 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I do agree this isn't a practice run. And reading your post I realise that I would not have passed up a chance like this one. I got all gooey when you said you'd been together since you were 18 then realised I had spent more than half my life with mine I will look forward to your posts. Fingers crossed for a good auction result and hope the packing goes well.

wellington womble

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 05 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Any details of the house you're selling here? Where abouts in the west mids?


Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 05 11:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whats the renovation project that you are leaving - Which part of West Mids

The property looks absolutley fab - although leave enough monery to pay for a cleaner to clean all of those bathrooms You can certanly get more for your money out there - we have loads of family out there primarily in Calgary and Vancouver. they keep trying to persuade us to go and move there. We have looked into it and found we would have no probs with the family links so you shouldn't either although not sure if they would not look too kindly at working abroad. I just canot bring myself to do it - I love Canada but have found some areas of it a bit barren culturally but then again loads of outside clean space and you can always travel to find culture.

Wishing you all good luck


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 05 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well we are leaving behind (if it sells, nothing is for sure at an auction other than the fact that it is done and dusted with no hassle and waiting around), a Grade II listed farmhouse that dates back to the 16th C. It has currently 3 bedrooms all take double beds and all can fit ensuites in them, it has 2 toilets in main house and a bathroom, a utility room where I used to hang my saddles and dry rugs, a lounge/dining room that is just over 20ft long. It has an annex attached which has another toilet ad a downstairs and up stairs (we were quoted from some builders that if the annex was not there then to build to its current size would cost about �80,000). We have plans going through the council for listed building consent drawn up by a listed building architect specialist to revamp the main house and put the inners into the annex which would turn the house inclu upstairs of annex into a 5 bedroom house or 4 with a big office. The master bedroom would have an ensuite of just under 18ftx14ft (we were going to have ourselves an opulent bathroom for adults only so we could have long soaks after working the land), the upstairs of the annex would have the 4th bedroom and it would have its own ensuite. The downstairs of the annex would be a big proper farmhouse kitchen. That allows the current kitchen to be a real utility room, which turns the current utility room into family bathroom. And what is currently the family bathroom into an office/5th bedroom.

The council met up informally with the architect and said they do not wish any changes to be made to the plans but legally he has to put it before them properly. So we guess they will be passed in another 6 weeks.

There is also a Grade II listed brick barn that the council say they have nothing against it being converted into residential as long as its in the barn conversion style. But we have not applied for this so have nothing in writing.

There is hard standing to the rear of house where the stables / old cows sheds are. Then there is the field to one side of the farmhouse and another small turn out paddock to the other side of property. In total 2.5 acres of land. The farm has grazing rights to the 60 acres that backs onto our land, the 60 acres can only be used for grazing, so it does the owners who live in london a favour to have us manage it for free by sticking our animals on it.

If we do not sell on the 15th sept then we will carry on from here with getting the house done, it will just take a little longer to do it as Steven will earn less.

The house is livable it needs plaster on some of the walls and carpets down. Needs a new bathroom and that is it. We have already bought the fittings for the new utility room, they are still in their wrappers in the annex room.

Guide price for auction is �320,000 - �360,000


Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 05 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

where abouts in the midlands is it? - sounds fab by the way


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 05 1:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry forgot to say its in the black country. In Rowley Regis - Sandwell near to Dudley. M5 J2. As its out of area thats why its price is below �400,000. We enjoy living here but chances like Canada only come along now and again so if we do not try and sell then we would be thinking "what if..."

If it does sell then anyone in the area we are having a farm clearance sale as you only have 28 days to vacate the property after selling. So all equipment, fencing, livestock - chickens, house furniture etc is up for sale. Name a price and if we think its fair then you can have it.

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