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Joined: 01 Nov 2004
Posts: 32429

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 04 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tahir wrote:

That is a tip top idea, hows about a foraging saturday next summer Cab?

Hmmm... Maybe. I'll think about it.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 04 5:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cab wrote:
tahir wrote:

That is a tip top idea, hows about a foraging saturday next summer Cab?

Hmmm... Maybe. I'll think about it.

Myabe you could pick an unknown area, rather than give away the secrets?



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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 04 5:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How would I find an unknown area?

Naah, it's certainly do-able. It'd be best to pick somewhere simple and central and stick to 30 or so common plants and any exciting mushrooms that we came across... Let me mull it over.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 04 9:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cab wrote:
How would I find an unknown area?

Naah, it's certainly do-able. It'd be best to pick somewhere simple and central and stick to 30 or so common plants and any exciting mushrooms that we came across... Let me mull it over.

Well I can look at an ordinance survery map round here and spot a lot of public areas I don't know!

But back to the thread and you will like this!
# Title Page Impressions
1  Top Ten Wild Foods to Gather in Winter (2004-12-02 12:15:22)  558
2  Top Ten Easy Mushrooms for the Beginner (2004-11-08 12:45:25)  504
3  Deck on a Hill (2004-10-26 04:07:12)  436
4  First steps in finding out about downsizing (2004-11-05 05:12:11)  388
5  Creating a Store-room (2004-11-14 15:29:09)  388
6  Home wine making (2004-11-05 03:08:27)  365
7  Filing Cabinet Hot/Cold smoker (2004-10-26 05:49:42)  325
8  Chicken Keeping (2004-11-03 05:51:01)  325
9  Feeding Chickens (2004-11-09 17:03:31)  272
10  In praise of the humble allotment (2004-10-26 10:23:26)  255
11  Creating a wood working shop (2004-11-18 11:23:55)  184
12  Personalised Knitting and more (2004-11-02 10:51:12)  170
13  Living Memorials (2004-11-15 13:31:50)  162
14  Eggonomics or the maths for keeping chickens (2004-11-23 12:17:25)  158
15  Mooncup Memoirs (2004-12-02 06:08:51)  157
16  Installing a wood burner (2004-11-22 09:46:34)  154
17  Big small wind power! (2004-11-18 07:24:34)  140
18  Bread Making (2004-12-01 16:42:37)  135
19  Home Education Basics (2004-11-29 10:08:22)  126
20  Sloe Gin and Vodka (2004-11-09 09:12:03)  124
21  River Cottage Meat Book - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (2004-11-04 02:29:33)  122
22  Small Scale Coppice Production (2004-12-02 10:12:21)  120
23  Dustbin or Dinnertable? (2004-10-29 06:40:50)  119
24  Worried? (2004-11-05 10:09:53)  119
25  How to... joint a rabbit (2004-11-09 09:00:13)  119
26  Basic Stock Making - - Beef, Chicken, Fish (2004-11-05 06:28:15)  117
27  Building Your Own Home (2004-12-02 10:00:36)  113
28  Great Xmas Pressies (2004-11-03 02:07:37)  110
29  The Hydrometer (2004-11-05 15:29:31)  102
30  Basic Guide to Safer Internet Use (2004-11-20 17:19:29)  102


Joined: 01 Nov 2004
Posts: 32429

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 04 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, I'd noticed that the top ten winter forages article was top article. Quite surprising that it's picking up hits so fast. Do you think there's something especially google-able in the title?

I'm thinking on doing a 'Ten things to do with Winter Mushrooms' article next, covering the best ways of using blewits, oyster mushrooms, etc.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 04 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cab wrote:
Yeah, I'd noticed that the top ten winter forages article was top article. Quite surprising that it's picking up hits so fast. Do you think there's something especially google-able in the title?

I'm thinking on doing a 'Ten things to do with Winter Mushrooms' article next, covering the best ways of using blewits, oyster mushrooms, etc.

The site stats do *not* support this theory. I would have guessed this myself, but it is not the case.



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PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 04 4:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good idea for your next new article Cab

Downsizer Moderator

Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 04 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

# Title Page Impressions
1  Top Ten Wild Foods to Gather in Winter (2004-12-02 12:15:22)  791
2  Deck on a Hill (2004-10-26 04:07:12)  668
3  Top Ten Easy Mushrooms for the Beginner (2004-11-08 12:45:25)  565
4  First steps in finding out about downsizing (2004-11-05 05:12:11)  514
5  Creating a Store-room (2004-11-14 15:29:09)  473
6  Home wine making (2004-11-05 03:08:27)  459
7  Filing Cabinet Hot/Cold smoker (2004-10-26 05:49:42)  444
8  Chicken Keeping (2004-11-03 05:51:01)  422
9  In praise of the humble allotment (2004-10-26 10:23:26)  342
10  Feeding Chickens (2004-11-09 17:03:31)  281
11  Creating a wood working shop (2004-11-18 11:23:55)  194
12  Small Scale Coppice Production (2004-12-02 10:12:21)  188
13  Personalised Knitting and more (2004-11-02 10:51:12)  180
14  Mooncup Memoirs (2004-12-02 06:08:51)  178
15  Living Memorials (2004-11-15 13:31:50)  170
16  Installing a wood burner (2004-11-22 09:46:34)  167
17  Eggonomics or the maths for keeping chickens (2004-11-23 12:17:25)  167
18  Bread Making (2004-12-01 16:42:37)  153
19  Big small wind power! (2004-11-18 07:24:34)  145
20  Building Your Own Home (2004-12-02 10:00:36)  145
21  Home Education Basics (2004-11-29 10:08:22)  139
22  Sloe Gin and Vodka (2004-11-09 09:12:03)  133
23  River Cottage Meat Book - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (2004-11-04 02:29:33)  128
24  Worried? (2004-11-05 10:09:53)  126
25  How to... joint a rabbit (2004-11-09 09:00:13)  125
26  Dustbin or Dinnertable? (2004-10-29 06:40:50)  122
27  Basic Stock Making - - Beef, Chicken, Fish (2004-11-05 06:28:15)  122
28  LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) (2004-12-01 13:24:33)  119
29  Going Organic Isn�t Just About Food (2004-12-09 05:50:41)  118
30  Great Xmas Pressies (2004-11-03 02:07:37)  116
31  The Hydrometer (2004-11-05 15:29:31)  109
32  Basic Guide to Safer Internet Use (2004-11-20 17:19:29)  106
33  Real Christmas Spirit - Charity Fund instead of Christmas Cards (2004-12-03 12:15:37)  106
34  Arkwrights Homebrew (2004-10-26 07:47:43)  99
35  Chicken Concerns, Problems and Ailments (2004-11-28 11:22:19)  97
36  The forum's reputation ethos (2004-10-30 03:58:11)  96
37  Smoking times with portions and a small smoker (2004-10-26 14:18:12)  81
38  Coming soon... (2004-10-28 09:25:30)  79
39  Welcome to downsizer.net (2004-10-25 15:38:32)  76
40  Welcome to our newest site admins (2004-10-26 07:39:02)  71
41  Building your own incubator (2004-12-14 05:14:21)  68
42  Starting out (2004-10-26 11:11:31)  67
43  Downsizer.net forums (2004-10-28 07:51:4  62
44  Looking for editors/contributors (2004-10-25 22:39:54)  52
45  Need a second PC? (2004-11-05 11:10:32)  48
46  Classified ads (2004-10-28 22:55:02)  45
47  Dealing with a stuck ferment (2004-10-26 04:23:05)  43
48  marsjupiter.com web design (2004-10-26 09:35:06)  40
49  Zebra Graphic Design (2004-10-26 11:57:35)  37
50  What do we mean by ethical? (2004-10-27 00:30:37)  34

Amongst the interesting points to note here, is the clear development of the inevitable "popular because their popular" effect. Indicating a degree of people browsing the popular list from the front page.


Downsizer Moderator

Joined: 28 Oct 2004
Posts: 28261
Location: escaped from Swindon
PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 04 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

# Title Page Impressions
1  Top Ten Wild Foods to Gather in Winter (2004-12-02 12:15:22)  914
2  Deck on a Hill (2004-10-26 04:07:12)  741
3  First steps in finding out about downsizing (2004-11-05 05:12:11)  639
4  Top Ten Wild Mushrooms for the Beginner (2004-11-08 12:45:25)  615
5  Home wine making (2004-11-05 03:08:27)  559
6  Creating a Store-room (2004-11-14 15:29:09)  540
7  Chicken Keeping (2004-11-03 05:51:01)  527
8  Filing Cabinet Hot/Cold smoker (2004-10-26 05:49:42)  519
9  In praise of the humble allotment (2004-10-26 10:23:26)  400
10  Feeding Chickens (2004-11-09 17:03:31)  296
11  Small Scale Coppice Production (2004-12-02 10:12:21)  230
12  Creating a wood working shop (2004-11-18 11:23:55)  202
13  Mooncup Memoirs (2004-12-02 06:08:51)  188
14  Personalised Knitting and more (2004-11-02 10:51:12)  181
15  Eggonomics or the maths for keeping chickens (2004-11-23 12:17:25)  181
16  Building Your Own Home (2004-12-02 10:00:36)  180
17  Installing a wood burner (2004-11-22 09:46:34)  178
18  Living Memorials (2004-11-15 13:31:50)  171
19  Bread Making (2004-12-01 16:42:37)  167
20  River Cottage Meat Book - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (2004-11-04 02:29:33)  165
21  Going Organic Isn�t Just About Food (2004-12-09 05:50:41)  154
22  Big small wind power! (2004-11-18 07:24:34)  153
23  Home Education Basics (2004-11-29 10:08:22)  149
24  Sloe Gin and Vodka (2004-11-09 09:12:03)  140
25  Worried? (2004-11-05 10:09:53)  131
26  How to... joint a rabbit (2004-11-09 09:00:13)  130
27  LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) (2004-12-01 13:24:33)  129
28  Dustbin or Dinnertable? (2004-10-29 06:40:50)  126
29  Basic Stock Making - - Beef, Chicken, Fish (2004-11-05 06:28:15)  125
30  Real Christmas Spirit - Charity Fund instead of Christmas Cards (2004-12-03 12:15:37)  122
31  Great Xmas Pressies (2004-11-03 02:07:37)  121
32  Basic Guide to Safer Internet Use (2004-11-20 17:19:29)  115
33  Arkwrights Homebrew (2004-10-26 07:47:43)  112
34  The Hydrometer (2004-11-05 15:29:31)  109
35  Chicken Concerns, Problems and Ailments (2004-11-28 11:22:19)  103
36  Keeping Geese�..easy as pie! (2004-12-14 05:24:49)  103
37  Building your own incubator (2004-12-14 05:14:21)  99
38  The forum's reputation ethos (2004-10-30 03:58:11)  97
39  Smoking times with portions and a small smoker (2004-10-26 14:18:12)  85
40  Coming soon... (2004-10-28 09:25:30)  84
41  Welcome to downsizer.net (2004-10-25 15:38:32)  81
42  Welcome to our newest site admins (2004-10-26 07:39:02)  77
43  Starting out (2004-10-26 11:11:31)  73
44  Downsizer.net forums (2004-10-28 07:51:4  64
45  Looking for editors/contributors (2004-10-25 22:39:54)  52
46  Need a second PC? (2004-11-05 11:10:32)  49
47  Classified ads (2004-10-28 22:55:02)  45
48  Dealing with a stuck ferment (2004-10-26 04:23:05)  44
49  marsjupiter.com web design (2004-10-26 09:35:06)  43
50  Zebra Graphic Design (2004-10-26 11:57:35)  41

A few turn ups here!



Joined: 01 Nov 2004
Posts: 32429

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 04 9:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are we going to do this on some kind of seasonal basis? Top ten winter wild foods is so far out ahead, when I do the -spring- wild food article it'll take months before it starts to rate.

Do we need to do this on some kind of seasonally adjusted basis? Maybe the top ten thingy should discount hits that are more than three months old?

Or am I speaking crap?


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 04 10:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I spose Spring foraging would get much better hits in spring (if that's what you're asking)


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 04 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

tahir wrote:
I spose Spring foraging would get much better hits in spring (if that's what you're asking)

Well, yes, of course it will. But I'm more getting at the problem that we're going to end up with articles that have been there a long time being in the top list merely because they've been there a long time; surely a list of the most popular articles should be a list of what's got the most hits in the previous (x) period of time?


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 04 11:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I see what you mean, like most popular this week. I think it's a question of whether we have that data available and how we deal with it. Jema's the man, we'll wait and see what he says.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 04 1:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have already Aludded to the fact that I think we are already seeing an "in the top ten because its in the top ten factor".

I hadn't thought about the seasonal issue which is actually quite crucial.

It may be that I need to add a hack that will allow us to scrap "Most Popular" and any automation, and instead have "Editors Choice".

I think human choice is going to be a lot better in the long run.



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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 04 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But can't we have the last 7 days top picks or something?

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