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Joined: 23 Feb 2005 Posts: 145 Location: Essex
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 05 9:41 am Post subject: |
Jeff wrote: |
Well after a weekend of hastle I'd rather forget, I didn't even get over to the allotment
I'm planning an assault this coming Saturday now so have a little time to plan more... Until then... |
Oh, it happens; I hope the weekend wasn't too bad! But you're going to find that you never get down as often as you'd like, you'll be eyeing up the plots run by the retired blokes, the immaculate vegetable paradises, and then you'll look at your own weedy plot you've had two hours free to work on in the last month and you'll almost want to cry!
But then you'll STILL be producing more than enough veg to keep you and yours going, even if it does sometimes seem to get on top of you.
Got my plot in February. This weekend I harvested more butternut squashes than I could carry (big ripe things, with some more still ripening, but I wanted them off before a frost might come), more courgettes, more French beans and runner beans, lettuce, radishes, some turnips, a few carrots, my first head of celery, leaf beet, rape greens, rocket, coriander, and from the garden tomatoes, basil, chickweed, more lettuce, tomatillos, dandelion, and from the stores (harvested earlier in the year) spuds and onions.
And all of that was from my own back, from my own work... It's just compelling, and the best of it is there's more than a hundred of us all doing just the same thing in a little bit of land in suburban Cambridge. When you stop to think about it, it's just bloody marvellous.
Sorry, seemed like a time to be enthusiastic  |
Joined: 23 Feb 2005 Posts: 145 Location: Essex
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 05 11:00 am Post subject: |
Judith wrote: |
I'm pretty laissez-faire too, but my fruit section just isn't working due to a) lack of protection from all manner of walking, creeping and flying things, b) me packing in too much stuff and c) a bit of bindweed I need to get under control  |
Ahh, the dreaded bindweed!
Keep hacking it back, and it keeps coming. I've had some success with digging it out, then black plastic for a few weeks followed by weeding it as it comes back. Glyphosate helps when all else fails. Have you come across anything else that helps?
Bloody awful stuff, bindweed.
I haven't much worked on the fruit yet; I've got a couple of currants I rescued, and a row of summer raspberries I put in this year. Oh, and a grape vine that's sulking at the moment. But having the plot has allowed me to put some strawberries in the extra space I've now got in the garden  |
Joined: 14 Jan 2005 Posts: 13967 Location: Eastoft
Joined: 01 Nov 2004 Posts: 32429
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Joined: 14 Jan 2005 Posts: 13967 Location: Eastoft
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