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Beware Of Flying Sheep
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Joined: 05 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 06 5:04 pm    Post subject: Beware Of Flying Sheep Reply with quote

About 2 weeks ago my only two mad Balwen escaped from a field after our electric fence gear was stolen....and were last seen running off down the road by a postman at about 5am.

Well, this morning I received a call from a local farmer saying they'd been spotted on his land and that he'd managed to trap them between two fences running along a stretch of land approximately 100 yards long.

So off I go with the trailer to fetch back the foster sheep.

Having opened one end of the extra long 'pen' and positioned the trailer so that they could be driven straight in from the opposite end, I began to walk around them to get in the other end and gradually move them towards where I wanted them. I have to state at this point that the sheep are wild in the extreme and if usually you're stood on one side of a 10 acre field then they will invariably be in the furthest corner away from you they were unwanted 'gifts'!).

Anyhow, I climbed in to the bit they were holed up in and moved towards them slowly with my hazel stick, as you do, and predictably they started to scarper away heading towards the trailer.

About 10 yeards from the ramp they stopped - turned to look at me - and then decided between them that it would be a good idea to charge at me to get past and head off in the other direction.

Suffice to say this breed can leap and one ewe left the ground about 3 yards in front of me and promptly headbutted me in the face. Two minutes later, when I'd come around, the result was - one fractured cheek bone, a split cheek, one filling knocked out and my face is now completely black and blue.........I look like I've done 5 rounds with Mike Tyson!

I can't explain to you how difficult it was telling the nurse in A&E how I'd come to sustain such injuries, and I'm convinced they very nearly called the police to inform them that the delerious casualty in the bay had been mugged and a statement might be needed.

Apparently, the ewe was last seen by the farmer heading down the M11.

Watch out for flying sheep........................

Last edited by Lionheart on Thu Jun 29, 06 6:07 pm; edited 3 times in total


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 06 5:07 pm    Post subject: Re: Beware Of Flying Sheep Reply with quote

ReevesRareBreeds wrote:
Apparently, the ewe was last seen by the farmer heading down the M11.

I'll keep an eye out on my way home, would you like me to attempt capture or shoot to kill?


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 06 5:57 pm    Post subject: Re: Beware Of Flying Sheep Reply with quote

ReevesRareBreeds wrote:
I can't explain to you how difficult it was telling the nurse in A&E how I'd come to sustain such injuries, and I'm convinced they very nearly called the police to inform them that the delerious casualty in the bay had been mugged and a statement might be needed.


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 06 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ouch, sounds nasty. (But I have to admit to having a giggle too)
So are they due to fly into the freezer?
Best place for them I'd say!


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 06 6:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The market for mutton is picking up, I hear.

Do you get one of those "Phantom of the Opera" mask/splint thingies? I'm sure they'd run *away* from one of those!

Get well soon!

EDIT; PS I was totally unable to come up with a Geoffrey Howe joke. Sorry.


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 06 7:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blimey, you poor devil! I've had a few knocks from the woolly b4stards, but nothing like that.


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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 06 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not Eric ? The most dangerous form of clever sheep ? Notice they do not fly, so much as plummet ! (MPFC)
Hope you are feeling better now.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 06 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

thats horrid
marinated in wine with thyme and bbqed .you can really enjoy revenge as a dish served hot .


Joined: 03 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 06 10:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You were ram raided!

How are the wounds going? And have there been any more sightings?

I knew I was right to put foot down against having sheep! Opinion divided which are thicker: Goats vs Sheep??


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 06 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dpack wrote:
marinated in wine with thyme and bbqed .you can really enjoy revenge as a dish served hot .

I raise my hat to you, sir. Unparalleled eloquence!


Joined: 08 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 06 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ahh welsh mountain sheep ...got to love them!!

i like the way they run and run, but when you get to one they drop to the floor and go floppy, you try and pick then up and they just flop back down , you shout and yell , and the bloody thing just stays there , then after you carry/drag it back to the pen, you turn to open the gate and turn back to the sheep an its gone ..... just a small fluffy sheeps bum in the distance.
or there is their ability to fit through the smallest hole.
I got bashed by a Balwen tup at the Royal Welsh show a few years ago ,that really hurt !!


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 06 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

gingerwelly wrote:
ahh welsh mountain sheep ...got to love them!!

Gervase does, but I always thought it was illegal?


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 06 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Every time I find myself in the Brecons or Snowdonia I cast affectionate looks at the sheep, thinking, "Aren't they pretty; so much neater and more compact than our lumbering great mules..."
After a couple of days it almost gets to the point where I think, "Oh sod it, let's restock with the cute-looking smaller ones and consign the old boilers to the freezer".
And then I remember the evil gleam in their pretty little eyes and their uncanny ability to escape by climning vertical walls and abseiling down cliffs. And that's when I'm grateful for our lumbering old tarts. They might not be as pretty, but I've far less scar tissue as a consequence.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 06 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blast - Tahir posted just as I was writing mine. And now everyone's going to get completely the wrong idea.


Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 06 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gervase wrote:
I'm grateful for our lumbering old tarts. They might not be as pretty, but I've far less scar tissue as a consequence.

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