Joined: 04 Jan 2011 Posts: 3708 Location: In a small wood on the edge of the Huntingdonshire Wolds
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 17 6:20 pm Post subject: Welcome small cat
When Squeaky departed, she left a gap in our lives - even the puppies still look for her when they rush out in the morning. So we asked around and the local RSPCA had some kittens for us to look at, so this afternoon we saw, and fell for:
Yet to be named - the cattery called him Sidney, the vets called him Winston, we think he might become Lord Blotch, or Blotchy Boy! I'll let you know when we decide for sure. He is getting to know us, and the puppies, though he has addressed some very rude words to Mr D'Arcy. But I think he'll soon settle in.
sean Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 42223 Location: North Devon
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 17 7:25 pm Post subject:
Very cute.
Joined: 13 Jan 2009 Posts: 9075 Location: South Wales
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 17 7:47 pm Post subject:
Very cute. looks like one we had in the past. His name was Tigger and he was bouncy as hell.