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Jam Lady
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 2585 Location: New Jersey, USA
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 10 12:53 pm Post subject: Hunting Season Starts in the USA |
I know there is always much discussion on the right to bear arms, how gun-crazy people are in the USA, etc. I'm hoping this will remain a conversation, and people won't feel need to rant.
Where I live in New Jersey the bow hunting season for white-tail deer has opened. There will be a black powder, and a shotgun season (using a solid slug termed a sabot, I believe.) There's also a season for turkey, and I'm not positive but think there will be a season for black bear, about which I have reservations. New Jersey is too populous for rifle. Someone hunts on our land, gets two deer each season, and provides us with dressed out, wrapped venison. The most deer I've ever seen was the year when the herd built up to 25 / 30 individuals.
Anyhow, there's an interesting article and series of photographs in today's New York Times on-line that I thought might be of interest to folks.
Photos: https://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2010/09/25/us/20100926-HUNTING.html
Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/26/us/26huntintro.html?hp
I don't hunt, but have cooked not only venison but also woodchuck (aka groundhog or whistle pig) and raccoon.
As I said, I thought this might be interesting to people, for a view of hunting here in the USA. Yes? |
Joined: 28 May 2007 Posts: 14929 Location: South West
Jam Lady
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 2585 Location: New Jersey, USA
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Posted: Sun Sep 26, 10 1:22 pm Post subject: |
Personally, I think it's very good for youngsters to learn to hunt their own food, and just to learn to shoot. Many children, especially boys, can become morbidly obsessed with firearms unless they learn to use them properly; equally well, there's no better way to learn to respect the meat you eat than to learn to shoot, to go out and kill an animal, prepare its carcase, cook and eat it.
We as a species for the most part, think about the morals of killing far too little. Too urban and urbane for our own good - the worst horrors of industrial farming are only possible because people close their minds to the whole issue of killing, and reach for the cellophane pack of chicken without a thought. |
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jamanda Downsizer Moderator
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Jam Lady
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 2585 Location: New Jersey, USA
Joined: 05 Mar 2006 Posts: 6645 Location: New England (In the US of A)
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 10 1:56 pm Post subject: |
Jamanda wrote: |
What do you hunt bears with then if not rifles? Surely not bow and arrows? |
Don't know the rules down in Jersey, up here it's rifles
Since the vast majority of people up here are out hunting deer, that's what we're typically referring to when we say rifle season. It differentiates from muzzle-loader and bow season.
If you're curious about the different permitted hunting seasons up here, the calendar is available here with all the more obscure hunting seasons (grey squirrel, bobcat, muskrat, crow, raccoon, etc)
I didn't pay attention when it was announced, but the state biologists announce every summer how many moose permits will be lotteried off and how long the season will go. |
Joined: 05 Mar 2006 Posts: 6645 Location: New England (In the US of A)
Jam Lady
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 2585 Location: New Jersey, USA
Joined: 05 Mar 2006 Posts: 6645 Location: New England (In the US of A)
Jam Lady
Joined: 28 Dec 2006 Posts: 2585 Location: New Jersey, USA
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 10 2:56 pm Post subject: |
Jamanda, here's the nitty-gritty on New Jersey's bear hunt:
Black Bear Hunting Season: Dec. 6�11, 2010
Hunting Hours: Legal hunting hours for black bear shall be 1⁄2 hour before sunrise to 1⁄2 hour after sunset.
Bag Limit: Only one bear of either sex and any age may be taken per properly licensed hunter. It is unlawful to take or attempt to take or continue to hunt for more than the number of black bear permitted.
Special permit requirement: All black bear hunters must have a current and valid firearm hunting license and a special Black Bear Hunting Area Permit issued by Fish and Wildlife. See Black Bear Hunting Areas, below; see also Black Bear Hunting Permits, page 10. Hunters are limited to purchasing one black bear hunting permit. The bag limit remains at one black bear per hunter.
Game Care: It is critical to remove the hide and cool the bear immediately after checking the bear. Cooling a bear with ice from inside the body cavity is inadequate to prevent the meat from spoiling. If the hide remains on overnight, the meat may be unsuitable for consumption.
Mandatory Bear Hunter Seminar:
All successful permit applicants must successfully complete a bear hunting seminar conducted by Fish and Wildlife. Hunters who completed a seminar in past years need not attend a seminar again. The seminar dates, locations and times will be posted on Fish and Wildlife�s Web site, our Permit Hotline and also will be sent to outdoor writers for newspaper publication.
Youth Bear Hunters: Youth hunters (aged 10 through 13 on or before Dec. 6, 2010), with a valid hunting license must also possess a black bear hunting permit. Youth hunters must be under the direct supervision of a properly licensed adult (21 years of age or older) while bear hunting. The adult must also possess a black bear hunting permit. Direct supervision means the youth hunter and the supervising adult are together at the same location. The youth hunter may not hunt independently of the adult.
Firearms and Ammunition Legal For Bear Hunting
Shotgun: not smaller than 20 gauge nor larger than 10 gauge with rifled slugs. Lead, lead alloy or copper rifled slug or sabot slug. Buckshot is prohibited.
Muzzleloader Rifle: single-barrel, single shot rifles not less than .44 caliber.
Flintlock, percussion and in-line ignitions. Double barrel muzzleloaders prohibited. Persons hunting with muzzleloader rifle must also possess a current and valid rifle hunting permit.
Baiting: No person shall attempt to take or kill a black bear or have in their possession or control any firearm, or other weapon of any kind, while elevated in a standing tree or in a structure of any kind within 300 feet of a baited area. On national wildlife refuges and at the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, the distribution of bait and/or hunting over bait is prohibited. Hunters should also check with the landowner or administrative agency before placing bait on any hunting area. |
Joined: 28 May 2007 Posts: 14929 Location: South West
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