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Broken eggs

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Joined: 23 Nov 2007
Posts: 1748
Location: Lincolnshire
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 15 4:02 pm    Post subject: Broken eggs Reply with quote

And here I am with another question...

One of our new-ish Orpingtons, last year's pullets, has just started laying for the first time. I have found two broken eggs in the past couple of weeks and was worried about egg eating - but the shells seem very thin and I think they may just have broken. Found a third one today just a bit cracked after hen had left the nestbox.

Is this likely to be just new layer problem and will get better - or does she need more calcium or anything else to eat? They are on layers pellets with some garden greens (ends of cabbage) and some time each day scratching around in the veg garden. I put oyster shell in with the pellets.

Or is a sign of something wrong with her?


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 15 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

im certain it not would sort every cause but adding chalk to the water seemed to help with mine . (cull time rescues so about a yr old )

i think there are a lot of possible reasons but upping the calcium levels in the diet (leafy greens as well as shell chalk etc)is a good idea

Nicky cigreen

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 15 9:09 pm    Post subject: Re: Broken eggs Reply with quote

VM wrote:

Is this likely to be just new layer problem and will get better - or does she need more calcium or anything else to eat? They are on layers pellets with some garden greens (ends of cabbage) and some time each day scratching around in the veg garden. I put oyster shell in with the pellets.

Or is a sign of something wrong with her?

they often do this when they first come into lay, or lay doubles or lay tinies... it will encourage egg eating though, so rush in and clean up as often as possible. And hope she improves..
The diet sounds fine, I dont mix the oyster sell in with pellets.. just have it on offer in a bowl.


Joined: 23 Nov 2007
Posts: 1748
Location: Lincolnshire
PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 15 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks both. I thought it might be a newbie-layer thing. Her sister's eggs are also a bit thin-shelled though have not actually broken. Will see about more calcium and keep an eye on it all.

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