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Block and beam construction

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Joined: 09 Oct 2013
Posts: 18

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 15 8:59 pm    Post subject: Block and beam construction Reply with quote

Yonks ago, I knocked down a retaining wall behind my house, dug out about 5 metres back and built 2 more retaining walls at 90 degrees to each other. I then built 2 more walls perpendicular to the rear of the house and put roofs on to create a dog kennel and an outhouse.

I need to replace the OSB and felt roof, and am thinking of going for a block and beam layer topped with a living/grass roof.

I've secured a reasonable quote for the beams.

Could anyone advise me as to whether I could use aerated blocks for the infill and what to seal it with, in order to lay a living roof on top?

Many thanks.


Joined: 11 Feb 2007
Posts: 2252

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 15 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are your beams to form the new roof? Loads of options for coverings, mineral felt burned on possibly the easiest / cheapest or you could use rubber, fibreglass, hot tar...


Joined: 11 Feb 2007
Posts: 2252

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 15 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You might not need insulation? The soil & plants will provide a bit in any case. You could skip the filter layer & "protection board" as well. Something like beams, sheathing board (or sarking) building membrane, felt, drainage layer, 25mm layer clean chips, 150mm soil


Joined: 26 Dec 2010
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Location: NCA90
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 15 5:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes you can use aerated blocks, such as Thermalite Aircrete.

Personally I wouldn't let an aerated/Thermalite block anywhere near my house or any work I do. Horrible brittle things. They may be light and easy to use, but I see so many cracked walls built with them. They are too light for walls IMO.
That said, they will be ok for what you propose - just watch your step walking on them - I wouldn't trust them until covered and your load is spread.

For floors I would normally use something like Plasmoor Aglites.

Is it for weight or insulation that you are considering aerated ?
Given that the beams weigh (IIRC) 37kg/m, unless you have huge spans, the extra weight will be negligible.
If you put 3 or 4 inches of 'Celotex' into the roof covering, then the insulation properties of aerated will also be negligible.
Something like Aglites will be cheaper too.

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