Posted: Sun May 08, 16 3:09 pm Post subject: FRAUD WARNING; Crafty scam
I had an e-mail from 'Alice Baxter' and/or 'Rose Smith' asking for wool to be donated to a little girl with leukaemia yesterday, it was a bit iffy so I googled it and found this I have reported it to Action Fraud, please do the same if you receive one.
steal it small pile it high,a similar business model to the mass selling one.
i wonder how many of her marks are not aware of the scale of it?or even if they have been hit.
a quick bit of maths based on say 50 tries for each day giving 20 hits (which is a good hit rate) of a tenner then sell on at half price would be needed to get a decent wage of around 25kpa allowing for a few losses etc .
it isnt very lucrative unless she is very busy .if she was that busy in a smart legit way i recon she would make far more without risking a pitchfork style mob or if various folk get their act together jail.
the short scam often has a "sob story" to soften the mark which in many ways seems more reprehensible than the loss,many of the comments reflect that.
well spotted rob
jema Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 28260 Location: escaped from Swindon
Posted: Mon May 09, 16 2:02 am Post subject:
Strikes me as more a mental illness than a money maker.