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dog fights /what critters do you have to get physical with

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Joined: 02 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 06 2:01 pm    Post subject: dog fights /what critters do you have to get physical with Reply with quote

my two boy dogs (one i bred , one ive known a long time but rescued a year ago ) just fell out again . not much damage (big ones got a split lip ) .
last time it was �170 worth of stitching .
i know some brothers who are like that .
they team up against any outsider who is agressive to them but chew lumps of each other and expect me to police them .
they are now skulking at opposite ends of the flat .
i am 50 kg , they are about 75kg (added up ) they have big teeth .
i prefer stewarding gigs , keeping order in pubs , free sparring with a large black belt met copper or even a streetfight to splitting up a dogfight wearing only one boot (we were just back from a walk )

.i have had to fight with a few cats (worming etc )and lost half of those i recon , ive lost to 3 polo ponies and once to the bad donkey (screaming bad donkey does not make them put you down :shock:it shook me like a rat ) but most critters i seem to win without fighting .

i have always won dogfights (including one with a known killer dog ) with only minimal damage to me or them ,so far ,famous last etc
i hate splitting up dogfights , it is dangeroos and im glad i grew up with a sociopathic terrier for training .
my own fault i spose for having two boy dogs and not growling enough myself .

what critters do you have to get physical with ?


Joined: 08 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 06 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've had massive fights when I bred terriers and I have lost 3 of my poodles to terriers (poodles don't fight back) I don't have terriers now. I have learnt how not to get bitten, but as a dog groomer I have been bitten badly by a whole variety of horrible dogs. The only other animal that bit me hard was a ferret and after trying to prise it's jaws open I had to whack it over the head to make it let go . Took 2 years for the feeling to return to my little finger.


Joined: 01 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 06 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well here goes, on a daily basis I get physical with bull mastiffs, staffordshire bull terriers, collies and a jack russell x. Then I get physical with the horses, ponies, sheep, cows, goats as well as a whole manner of poultry, then last but not least the cats, one of whom rules the roost and I am the only on that can handle her, she is gorgeous though bless her. Worst tussle I had was with a horse when it landed on top of me, recovered now though. As regards fighting the dogs are pretty good, sometimes I need to seperate them, it's certainly not as bad as two stallions though...


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 06 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

merlin and lucy had their moments.....when lucy first arrived, merlin refused to listen when she said, "that's enough, bog off you juvenile." and so she fanged him to the final tune of about �450.

the moral being always insure your greyhound.

at the moment i am in a running battle with goat 4 named kairser who seems to think that head butting is the way to my heart...wouldn't mind but pygmy goats have a habit of thumping you on the back of the knee and it really hurts

mr nanny is always on guard when dealing with millie the donkey anyway...........

he trimmed her hooves a week or so ago....he had hold of the front nearside, facing the rear end and she brought the nearside rear up so quickly that he didn't see it till it hit the ground....she clearly wasn't serious as he still had the benefit of his sight.....of course that meant that she knew enough to balance on the 2 offside hooves long enough to kick him

next day he was trimming the large lumps of hair off the back legs, again facing the rear and she bit his backside......it was so hard that i could hear her teeth meet as she pulled away.............boy did his eyes water......i can swear she was laughing...........


Joined: 02 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 06 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

im glad it isnt just me


Joined: 08 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 06 3:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that many of the 'show' breeders of dogs just choose not to mention if they have a fight and rehome or put down. They wouldn't want their reputation to be shot if they admitted they had fights even though it's all part of mass dog owning. I know some hunt kennels come in in the mornings and find a dead 'un.

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