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Record keeping

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How's your veg patch record keeping?
Perfect - all the weights, dates and tastes recorded
 0%  [ 0 ]
Have all the essentials down but not too much detail
 9%  [ 1 ]
I have a go...but that's as far as it gets
 18%  [ 2 ]
I've got a box of 45s in the attic...what do you mean, not that kind of record keeping?
 72%  [ 8 ]
Total Votes : 11


Joined: 28 Oct 2004
Posts: 10744

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 05 7:52 pm    Post subject: Record keeping Reply with quote

Today I sowed my first seeds of the year, and have dutifully recorded them in a diary bought for the purpose after failing quite miserably with a plain old notebook for the last few years.

I do find this useful to begin with, and I hope to make a few notes in the diary in advance so I know when I want to move things/sow again etc. But every year up to now I've run out of steam, and I must admit that I don't tend to look back from year to year, except to check the names of varieties I've grown in the past.

So far I can mostly remember whether something did well or not but I don't think this will last, so I was wondering how others here keep track of things to do and things done, successes and failures, or do you just muddle through and get on quite nicely thank you.

Mrs Fiddlesticks

Joined: 02 Nov 2004
Posts: 10460

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 05 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

it would be great to do that, but last year with all good intentions I didn't. I know roughly how we did cos its all in me 'ead. But after that....

I'm not sure what purpose it would serve. I regard each new season as a clean slate, last year's failures have gone. Each previous season was unique and the same growing conditions, rainfall and sunshine plus amount of effort and time we could spend will not necessarily be repeated this season. So I'm not too hung up on records because there are too many variables.


Joined: 16 Dec 2004
Posts: 22790
Location: Montgomeryshire
PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 05 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did most of my "record keeping" for last year when I was sorting out my seed order for this year! I mainly do it so that I can rotate the veggies properly, but it would be interesting to have a full record of what did well and where.
One interesting thing it told me, though, was that most of my failures and also-rans were grown from organic seed and the 27p packets from Lidl were, without exception, storming successes. Discuss!

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