Joined: 24 Feb 2005 Posts: 942 Location: Gloucester
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 05 6:06 pm Post subject: Is this right?
One tray of seedling has appeared overnight! They appear to be leeks (I think) I have two tiny shoots appearing in another tray but nothing in the third.
Bearing in mind that these last two trays are carrots and spinach, they have all been watered daily and put in the same conditions, does this sound about right?
Sounds OK, you never know when somethings going to pop up really.
Joined: 16 Dec 2004 Posts: 22790 Location: Montgomeryshire
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 05 6:13 pm Post subject:
Leeks are pretty fast to sprout. Carrots take forever. Don't know about spinach - somewhere between the two I would expect.
I love the moment when the first seedlings poke their heads out of the soil - I've got some leeks just showing too, and a bit of sorrel, and a few broad beans that I started off indoors to compare against outdoor sown. Everything else is still in hiding.
My rocket always "hatches" in about two days but the carrots take forever!
Joined: 24 Feb 2005 Posts: 942 Location: Gloucester
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 05 6:31 pm Post subject:
Thank you I was almost as excited as the kids, one minute we had two little seedlings and by the evening we had a whole trayful, you could almost see them growing it was happening so fast.
The kids might like to start nasturtiums indoors, they shoot up like no-one's business! Great fun, and scary how tall they can grow in such a small space of time
Someone told me you can start parsley really early?
Joined: 25 Jan 2005 Posts: 5025 Location: Berkshire
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 05 11:24 pm Post subject:
STILL waiting for my pepper and chilli seeds to do something, 2nd attempt on bathroom window sill above radiator, 2 weeks and still no show?
Planted leeks and parsnips at weekend, in seed trays.
Think id better get digging on the allotment to get some soil ready for them !
Planted my peppers and chillis first of Feb also, they are now about 2 inches high, in the greenhouse.
Joined: 13 Dec 2004 Posts: 5645 Location: East london/Essex
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 05 12:53 am Post subject:
Planted Beetroot and dwarf french beans in seed trays on 11 march and put them in the cupboard under the stairs which is full of hot water pipes and by the 13th i had 22 beetroot ( out of 30) and 9 dwarf beans (out of 12) the others might still come through but they are on a window sill above a radiator now. I couldn't beleive how quick they shot up.