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shredded paper- best use for?
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Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 05 8:32 am    Post subject: shredded paper- best use for? Reply with quote

Been shredding all my reject printer paper, old letters and so on. Just wondering whether its best to compost this given that there is a fair bit of ink on some of it, or squash it into briquettes for the woodburner (got one of those gadgets for squeezing newspaper into blocks). Any top tips?

Rob R

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 05 11:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shredded news paper goes well in the compost & the worms don't seem to mind the ink, so I guess it'll be fine.


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 05 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I talked to a chap from CAT a few weeks ago and he said that tests had been done on printed paper and the level of toxins that leached out into compost was minimal, well below the safety level. Go ahead and compost it! He also said a heap should be one third scrunched paper & card. If it's dry it's a good idea to wet it a bit before adding it. The CAT produce a good leaflet on composting.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 05 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds like a good way to get rid of it- maybe I'll damp it down with urine- which I've also been meaning to add to the compost just hadn't got round to it yet


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 05 12:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd guess that's the urine you're not using as a mordant...

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 05 12:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thats right useful stuff isnt it!


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 05 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hi sally i shred all our paper and junk mail , then it is used as chicken bedding, after which it goes on the compost heap - works very well.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 05 7:15 am    Post subject: Re: shredded paper- best use for? Reply with quote

sally_in_wales wrote:
Been shredding all my reject printer paper, old letters and so on. Just wondering whether its best to compost this given that there is a fair bit of ink on some of it, or squash it into briquettes for the woodburner (got one of those gadgets for squeezing newspaper into blocks). Any top tips?

I've been wondering about those gadgets. How much work is involved in making the blocks? How do they burn: do they smoulder or flame and does burning ash break off and go up the chimney? Is it just newsprint or can you use glossy paper?

Blue Peter

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 05 11:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I read something from CAT about putting scrunched up paper and card etc. into the compost, but what I couldn't work out was whether it included envelopes, glossy paper, cardboard boxes with whatever plastic-type copating them have on them, and so on. I don't suppose that the CAT man mentioned this did he? Cheers,



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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 05 11:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shredding paper and cardboard both make good animal bedding and then the used bedding composts down very well

this reminds me of a summer job I had while at university

It was an initive run between Shell and the local business council putting students on placement in SMEs.

I worked for a environmental consultancy based out of Sowerby Bridge looking at the viability of using worms to compost cow shit

The wanted to look into this to help a local dairy farm who wanted to improve their environmental effect and they already had a good scheme up and running where they took compnaies waste cardboard (which companies are responsible for the disposal of). Had it shredded (by a group who mainly employed adults with learning difficulties) and the sold it as animal bedding. They then collected the used bedding and composted it at the local community farm using worms

It was an interest and worthwhile scheme

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 05 11:52 am    Post subject: Re: shredded paper- best use for? Reply with quote

thos wrote:
sally_in_wales wrote:
Been shredding all my reject printer paper, old letters and so on. Just wondering whether its best to compost this given that there is a fair bit of ink on some of it, or squash it into briquettes for the woodburner (got one of those gadgets for squeezing newspaper into blocks). Any top tips?

I've been wondering about those gadgets. How much work is involved in making the blocks? How do they burn: do they smoulder or flame and does burning ash break off and go up the chimney? Is it just newsprint or can you use glossy paper?

They aren't that much work to make. Drying the blocks out takes a fair while. I've just used newsprint for ours. I find that burning them alongside wood works best for us.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 05 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The paper logs tend to smolder a bit, not too keen on them personally, and a lot of work.
I have been shredding loads of junk mail and old magazines etc. to use as insulation in the walls and ceiling. Not sure how it compares to Warmcell, but as its free, its no loss. Just add extra thickness, can't harm.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 05 12:48 pm    Post subject: Re: shredded paper- best use for? Reply with quote

sean wrote:
thos wrote:
sally_in_wales wrote:
Been shredding all my reject printer paper, old letters and so on. Just wondering whether its best to compost this given that there is a fair bit of ink on some of it, or squash it into briquettes for the woodburner (got one of those gadgets for squeezing newspaper into blocks). Any top tips?

I've been wondering about those gadgets. How much work is involved in making the blocks? How do they burn: do they smoulder or flame and does burning ash break off and go up the chimney? Is it just newsprint or can you use glossy paper?

They aren't that much work to make. Drying the blocks out takes a fair while. I've just used newsprint for ours. I find that burning them alongside wood works best for us.


Where is it possible to buy one of these gadgets? I have wood burning Kamin (enclosed fire place) to supplement heating in winter. I supplement the wood with sawdust brickets (comercially bought). I find that this brickettes smoulder at low temps, but really rock at high temps.
I would like to make my own paper brickettes, so any further info would be much appreciated.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 05 12:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haddock...one of our members has made his own - I think - at any rate he has instructions on his site:



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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 05 1:38 pm    Post subject: Re: shredded paper- best use for? Reply with quote

Haddock wrote:

Where is it possible to buy one of these gadgets? I have wood burning Kamin (enclosed fire place) to supplement heating in winter. I supplement the wood with sawdust brickets (comercially bought). I find that this brickettes smoulder at low temps, but really rock at high temps.
I would like to make my own paper brickettes, so any further info would be much appreciated.

The one I've been considering is in the Euro Vanadium catalogue.
They are a French company, but their truck comes to our village about every three months. It doesn't look like they go to Germany though. Sorry.

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