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Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 05 8:54 am    Post subject: Octopus Reply with quote

I've just bought a small octopus for dinner and wish to know a bit more about how they are caught. I know you can get a couple of varieties round our shores but are they mostly caught along with other fish or do people specifically fish for them? Are they trawled for or something kinder to the environment?

Anyone have any cooking tips as well?

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 05 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not sure about how they're fished.
Cooking though is incredibly simple.
Cut the octopus into 1" pieces.
Put them in a pan.
Cover and put on a very very very low heat. (Use a diffuser pad if you've got one.)
Have a look at it every so often and give it a bit of a stir.
When the juices are reduced and syrupy try a bit of octopus. If it isn't tender yet add a splash of water.
Continue until you're happy with it.
Serve warm with bread and salad and some wedges of lemon.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 05 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Sean, sloooooow does seem to be the key in the recipe I have.


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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 05 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cooking slow I have found is the only way to cook octopus else it goes all rubbery. Never fished for them but have caught them underwater when diving years ago. They do put up a bit of a fight though!


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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 05 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pushed by a rememberance of the early morning, wet slapping sound of Greek Island fishermen (and their families) tenderising Octopus by throwing it repeatedly against a rock, I looked it up in Alan Davidson's masterworks "North Atlantic Seafood" and "Mediterranean Seafood". (Fantastic works of scholarship and gastronomy both!)

He says Octopus in common in the eastern Atlantic "as far North as the Channel Islands", with occasional "plagues" (or he suggests, blessings) of them along the English South coast. Fishermen say "plague" because they empty their lobster and crab-pots!
They pass the winter in deep water, the summer in inshore waters. They hunt by night.
So, I doubt British fishermen go out specifically looking for them, and would suppose that it is likely that now, in late May, they would likely be landings from lobster and crab fishers.

Cooking: Davidson proposes cutting "the muscles that hold the 'innards' in the head; turn the head inside out, clean it and put it back the right way. Beat the Octopus (if it is of a fair size) on a stone or with a mallet, to make it more tender. Then proceed according to one of the recipes below (...) {or} boil it for a short time only and then grill pieces of it over charcoal."
His recipes suggest small pieces need at least half an hour of stewing (after tenderising). His pre-grill "short time" seems to be about 15 minutes.
Here's the outline of one recipe from Brittany:
Clean {and I think he intends, tenderise} the {originally} 750g octopus and simmer in court bouillon for 40 minutes. Then cut it into small pieces. Fry a chopped onion and 3 shallots to golden brown in olive oil. Add the Octopus & 1 or 2 chopped cloves of garlic, then a few minutes later add 4 large tomatoes (chopped) and 200cc dry white wine. Add "such seasoning as you judge necessary" and simmer very gently for "at least 20 minutes". Serve with a parsley garnish.

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