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lynseytyte Guest
sean Downsizer Moderator
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Treacodactyl Downsizer Moderator
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Blue Sky
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Posted: Thu Jun 23, 05 11:33 am Post subject: |
Hello and welcome to the site.
About the perch - at 8 weeks old, your birds won't necessarily be perching yet, so don't worry about them nesting on the floor for now. That's normal. In fact, some hens never really get the hang of perching at all.
Two feet of perching space for 3 bantams is probably OK. It would be a bit tight for larger hens, but bantams should be alright. The droppings collecting box idea is fine if you want to do that, but in a little ark it probably isn't worth your while - it will take as long to clean the box as to clean out the whole ark! It is a very good idea in larger henhouses, though.
No, you don't need to feed or water the birds at night - hens sleep very soundly and, as you say, they will only knock it over, wasting food and making more work for you!
Yes, you should close the pophole at night.
For a dustbath, a cat litter tray is ideal. About an inch of sand or soil should be fine - they will throw it all over the place and poo in it anyway, so just keep refilling as necessary.
I think layer pellets have a bit more protein than grower pellets, but it really won't do them any harm at all to have the wrong ones.
Roaming chickens - mine have never strayed outside the garden, even though they could if they wanted to. Bantams fly quite well, so might be inclined to flap over the gate, but they won't necessarily. Just watch them closely for the first couple of weeks. If they have all they need at home they probably won't stray. You may need to clip their wings, but wait and see how they are first.
At 8 weeks, they should be safe from crows, but if you are worried then don't let them roam while you are not there.
They should be safe from foxes while they are in the ark, particularly at night when the pophole is closed.
Hope this helps a bit. And remember to enjoy your chickens as well as worry about them  |
Treacodactyl Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 25795 Location: Jumping on the bandwagon of opportunism
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