gil Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 08 Jun 2005 Posts: 18418
Posted: Sat May 23, 09 8:52 am Post subject: Beef and Seville Orange 'Bolognese' |
- 500g beef mince (mine was Rob R's dexter)
- 1 tin kidney beans
- 4 medium carrots
- 4 medium onions
- 4 bayleaves
- 4 cloves garlic
- 1 knob of ginger, peeled, sliced and chopped
- 3 small thin chillies (birdseye?)
- cooked peel of half a Seville orange
- 1.5 tsps coriander seed, crushed
- a grating of nutmeg
- 1 tin tomatoes
- 1 small tin tomato puree (the tiny size)
- a glug of red wine ( I used Bramble)
- Sweat the onions, bayleaves, ginger and chillies, then add the coriander, nutmeg and carrots and continue to sweat till soft
- Remove from pan to a dish
- Fry the beef mince till well browned
- Add back the sweated veg, and put in the orange peel
- Add the kidney beans, tomato puree and cook for 1 min
- Add the tinned tomatoes and wine
- Simmer for 20-25 mins with the lid on the pan, and 20 mins with the lid off
Serve with rice or mash, or even pasta
Don't eat the peel; it is still very bitter |