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Boxing Day shoots

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Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 09 6:36 pm    Post subject: Boxing Day shoots Reply with quote

If I weren't snowed/iced in, I'd be going to friends for a Boxing Day shoot [rough, maybe clays]. Will see what turns up here instead. And what the weather's like.

Anyone else going shooting on Boxing Day ? If so, what ?

Colin & Jan

Joined: 03 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 09 7:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sure am

Fathers and Sons (Daughters included) shoot tomorrow. Six smallish drives with the intention of the youngsters having a few shots at the pheasants and Woodcock. My son Andy will be shooting although he is now 24.

East Kent has had an amazing 'fall' of woodcock in the last few days. I had a walk round on Xmas Eve on a friends farm; just the two of us and two spaniels. Put up easily 50 in two hours. Bird watcher web sites in the local area have been reporting hundreds at different locations.

I also saw some big skeins of Pinkfeet and Whitefront geese yesterday milling about. Not unusual in itself but usually means they have just arrived and are trying to get their bearings.
I am assuming that cold weather has arrived or is about to hit the continent. I have noted in the past that the birds are usually ahead of the game and move about a week before the cold weather arrives. It will be interesting to see if they move on in the next few days.

For those that are about tomorrow, have a good day and remember; a bad days shooting is better than a good days work.



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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 09 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Colin & Jan wrote:

I also saw some big skeins of Pinkfeet and Whitefront geese yesterday milling about. Not unusual in itself but usually means they have just arrived and are trying to get their bearings.
I am assuming that cold weather has arrived or is about to hit the continent. I have noted in the past that the birds are usually ahead of the game and move about a week before the cold weather arrives. It will be interesting to see if they move on in the next few days.

Not only the cold weather but also the east wind that accompanies it.
It makes smaller birds like woodcock & other waders transit across the North sea so much easier.
I wont be shooting tommorow but will be spending the daylight hours outdoors enjoying whatevers around.
I used to enjoy shooting but now only see it as a means of protecting my livestock & my crops.
The pleasure has deminished & I now do my hunting with a camera not a gun & believe me it is a lot harder to photograph a woodcock than kill it.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 09 10:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I used to go beating in my yoof in order to get beer money. I used to like boxing day shoots as the guns were always half cut and very generous with their tips. (Especially as I was the only female beater among a rabble of spotty, gangly lads)


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 09 10:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shooting next on Tuesday, dawn stalking tomorrow, need another two deer to fulfill current venison orders.

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