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Joined: 09 Dec 2004 Posts: 10507 Location: cambridge
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 10 9:39 pm Post subject: Discussion guidelines |
Downsizer tries to be an inclusive family-friendly forum which both encourages exchange of ideas and knowledge and also allows for debate of the more contentious topics which surround living sustainably.
Here are some guidelines for debate on the forum and also a summary of the complaints procedure and how action is taken when it is felt site rules have been contravened. The people who administer these rules are listed here along with an explanation about how the site is organized
Personal attacks will not be tolerated, please always challenge the post not the person. Disagreement should be tactful - please be aware that other people's perception of rudeness may not be same as yours, and err on the side of caution. Things often seem more offensive in print than they may be person.
Adult discussions are expected. This means mature, not adult- orientated. A certain level of banter and strong argument is to be expected and parents should expect this. However profanity is strictly unacceptable. Pre 9pm TV should be the standard
If you feel a post is no longer interesting to you, please stop reading it rather than denigrating the original poster/idea.
There are numerous acronyms which can be useful to help prevent misinterpretations behind the written word
IMHO- In My Humble Opinion
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IIUC - If I Understand Correctly
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
When members are felt to have contravened our guidelines public and private warnings may be issued. If the behaviour continues despite the warnings a member may be suspended.
The sorts of behaviour which may elicit moderator response include
Complaint from another member
Argument within a thread becoming over-heated
Use of inappropriate language
Sexually explicit subject matter
Further action by moderators
If a particular member consistently contravenes one or more of these guidelines, and appears to ignore warnings and suspensions, this may lead to them being banned from the site permanently. This action is always be seen as a last resort and the decision to permanently ban a member is never be taken lightly
Private messages (PMs) should be considered private in the majorty of circumstances and should not be repeated verbatim on the open forum without the consent of both parties.
If an inappropriate PM is repeated on open forum without such consent then the offending member may be banned.
Examples of inappropriate messages to repeat include anything which contains personal information about one or both parties, any business dealings or moderator communications
Moderators will attempt to make it clear both in the forum and in pm when official warnings are being issues. If you are ever uncertain please ask for clarification.
If you have questions about the moderation process please ask any of the moderators and we will attempt to clarify
Please remember this is a list of guidelines that does not cover all eventualities. Any problems which arise that aren't covered here will be discussed between the moderators and if appropriate concerned parties so a solution which is in the best interest of Downsizer can be found.
Again these are guidelines to help people understand how to behave on the site and the likely outcome of not behaving well, they are not a rule book to find loopholes in, or a precise procedural guide that can be used as a shield from the consequences of poor behaviour. |
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