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fish (the other one)
Joined: 24 Dec 2006 Posts: 319
Posted: Sun Nov 25, 07 12:20 pm Post subject: A winters tale |
I thaught ide share with you a codding trip from a couple of winters ago.it was a particularly cold snap in january,dropping down to -5 at night but bright and dry.I had read in the sea angler magazine that cod were showing on the south coast,and more importantly on a section of chesil that is great for a winters bash,west bexington.
luckily that saturday was due a hightide during the afternoon,so i decided that that was the ideal day.
The night before ,isettled infront of the fire and made up some traces ,and checked my tackle,making sure the shockleader knot was looking ok ,a spot of super glue just to be sure.I also made a point of chucking out the kooks in the bundle of tangled traces that still had dried mackerel and ragworms on.this all done i put my rods and reels and bags next to the front door for an early start.
next morning i was up bright and early,walked the mutt fed the chooks and then loaded the kit into the car.it was a bdooly cold morning even at 11am when i finally got going, in the shade of the hedge rows the frost still lingered there was no wind and the chirp of the robin was accompanied by the smell of Farmer Reeves cows.
Before i knew it i was halfway there,past Blandford and on to Dorchester,i stopped in at Tesco (the one Prince Charles helped design) picked up some scoff and on i went.the next stop was the little tackle shop over the bridge at weymouth,tiney little shop,crammed with every thing you can imagine a sea angler would need and some you couldnt! (inflatable shark??????) sadly i hadnt reserved any lug so that was off the list of bait! i was offered some frozen gutted black lug but ive never been keen on its merrit as a good bait,so i left the shop with 4lb of ragworms ,some frozen peeler crab and a shiny thing that i didnt 'need'.
As i got back to the car i noticed i had 'mistakenly' parked in a residents only parking street and there was a nice little note on the windscreen inviting me to contribute to next years dorset constabulary police ball!!!!!i drove off muttering to myself sumik along the lines of iligitimate german nationalists and what a great day this was going to be!!
Back up the weymouth prominade and out on the bridport road,before long i was at West bexington carpark which quite literally is on the beach ,infact each winter storm claims another line of parking bays! at first glance it looked like just a few hardy dog walker and some old couple in sat in their mecedes campervan.
When i say cold i mean it was realy biting cold and on the beach there was a slight breeze,adding to the wind chill factor.Even with the bright sun i recond it at about -2.
half hour later i was set up baited up and casted out, first i used a bunch of 6 or 8 big tsty ragworms that i had just baught,
now time to settle into the chair and pour a cuppa from the thermos,ever tried doing that with gloves on? bdooly tricky! so there i am cup balanced on my knee flask lid on the chair arm and i start pouring,its steamy coffie smell teasing the tastebuds,when the top of my rod starts jumping about,shit! i junp out of the chair scalding myself with hot coffie,pick up the rod ,wind down then strike up,bang!bang! the thud of a fish travels down the rod,3 or 4 minutes later i had landed the first fish of the day:
a fine looking Bass of about 3lb!!!! well this got me ecited i can tell you!i quickly baited up again and cast out to about the same place.
2hours later and about 3lb of worms and no othr bites,despite willing the rod to dance the merry fish dance! time for the peeler crab:
if there were any cod out there this would do the job!i baited up using a 2 hook paternoster rig using 2/0 aberdeen hooks.baits clipped down i cast the 6oz weight abot 220 yards.i sat back down to wait.Ididnt have to wait long either! within 5 minutes the rod was bet over,again i wound down and sunk the 2/0's into the fishes mouth what seemed like an eternity but in reality was just a couple of minutes latewr i saw in the surf a codling,not the biggest but the first of the season ,and i was happy!
weighing in at 4lb it was eagerly dispatched and shoved into the tesco bag!as the day drew to a close and the sun was sinking towards seaton a few others turned up to catch the tide,ide like to say i caught a dozen but i didnt,but i did have a fantastic time ,and shocked the mrs when i walked in the front door actually with fish for a change!

Last edited by fish (the other one) on Sun Nov 25, 07 9:33 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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