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240v Led lights

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Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 05 6:28 am    Post subject: 240v Led lights Reply with quote

I replaced 7 halogens with Leds in the Kitchen.

A few weeks ago a put a couple of Halgoens back in as the Leds provid so little light

But the Leds are meant to last forever right?

Well again a few weeks ago the top came off one of them for no discernable reason, but the Leds still shine... but this morning I noticed that 2 of the 5 remaining Leds in the Kitchen had died

My guess is the Led bit is ok, but the transformers burn out.


Joined: 26 May 2005
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Location: North Wales
PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 05 6:42 am    Post subject: Re: 240v Led lights Reply with quote

jema wrote:
I replaced 7 halogens with Leds in the Kitchen.

A few weeks ago a put a couple of Halgoens back in as the Leds provid so little light

But the Leds are meant to last forever right?

Well again a few weeks ago the top came off one of them for no discernable reason, but the Leds still shine... but this morning I noticed that 2 of the 5 remaining Leds in the Kitchen had died

My guess is the Led bit is ok, but the transformers burn out.

Used to fit a lot of low voltage lights from MFI. What a steaming pile they were. Problems were always solved by replacing the transfromer from a electrical wholesalers, about �7 (check load)

I had a "commercial" quality transformer off display in MFI and it has run for years. Whether this is conincidence or not I'm not sure, but the bulbs also now seem to last longer. (I mean yrs longer!)


Joined: 15 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 05 9:45 am    Post subject: Re: 240v Led lights Reply with quote

jema wrote:
My guess is the Led bit is ok, but the transformers burn out.

I wonder what the associated electronics might be?
My suspicion is that there's going to be a rectifier there as well as the transformer. And that the rectifier diode(s) might be the most likely source of trouble.

Although LEDs are wonderfully efficient at producing light from DC electricity, it occurs to me that the overall efficiency from AC (like the mains) is going to be rather lower, because of losses (heat) in the transformer and rectifier. And heat is the enemy of semiconductors' longevity...

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