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Stuck in this place for a bit longer!!!
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Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 05 1:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Again this is just from my experiences, but the problems seem to stem from a lack of communication. If a solicitor called me and said 'this isn't happening today because...' then there might be more understanding. Not being informed until you have to call and ask just comes across as being unprofessional.


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 05 1:20 pm    Post subject: Re: stuck in this place for a bit longer Reply with quote

Debbie wrote:
Thanks Jema and Behmoth......exactly the attitude that made me give up and move to Devon where I look after my animals and cook for a living earning �5 an hour to make ends meet.....

Oh, I was a conveyancer not a solicitor but at the end of the day we do the same job as far as property is concerned just some of us are better at it than others same as every other profession

Many apologies for any hurt feelings.

I was a civil servant for 7 years and had to admit this after being dragged on stage at the Glee Club in Birmingham. Jack Dee feasted on me like a hyeana on a zebra.


Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 05 9:55 pm    Post subject: stuck in this place for a bit longer Reply with quote

I have been thinking about how to reply to this thread because whatever I say is there is going to be an argument against it...like most things I suppose.

Conveyancers (be they solicitors or not) are now seen as a necessary evil. However we don't just go through the mechanics of transferring property from one name to another we do have to make sure that what you are buying conforms to the requirements of the day. Unfortauntely these can change from year to year and we no longer have the option of "taking a view on it" In the past we could say to a client .."look we have a problem with the insurance on this lease because because because..these are the pros and cons of going ahead and its up to you." Now, unfortunately, we also have to answer to lenders who have a very specific code as to what is and what is not acceptable (no, not the same for each one that would make life to easy they all have their own requirements that differ from the Council of Mortgage Lenders Handbook).

When was the last time you spent as much money as you will on a house. Do you want to know if the rights of way are OK? Do you want to know if they are about to convert those playing fields behind into a landfill site, Do you want to know if your vendor had permission for the alterations/extensions he made to the property and actually owns all he is trying to sell to you. Do you want to know that if you take a mortage with the same bank that you have your current account/credit cards/car loans with that as soon as you complete that mortgage that you signed it covers ALL of those loans not just the money you borrowed to buy your house. Default on ONE of them and you could loose your house?

I could go on and on (and probably have) about the things we have to check and the things we are help responsible for both to the client and the lender.

For all this you will pay about �350 - �400 depending on where you are in the country yet most people don't bat an eyelid at paying �100 to have a �5,000 car inspected that they are thinking of buying.

Comunication is a problem. There isn't enough time in the day to phone each client and say sorry that planning permission I was waiting for hasn't come in today.

As I said, its one of the reasons I don't do conveyancing anymore, its a thankless job....and I wouldn't dare tell you lot my husband is an estate agent otherwise I really would get cruscified


Joined: 27 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 05 11:23 pm    Post subject: Re: stuck in this place for a bit longer Reply with quote

Debbie wrote:
I have been thinking about how to reply to this thread because whatever I say is there is going to be an argument against it...like most things I suppose.

Conveyancers (be they solicitors or not) are now seen as a necessary evil. However we don't just go through the mechanics of transferring property from one name to another we do have to make sure that what you are buying conforms to the requirements of the day. Unfortauntely these can change from year to year and we no longer have the option of "taking a view on it" In the past we could say to a client .."look we have a problem with the insurance on this lease because because because..these are the pros and cons of going ahead and its up to you." Now, unfortunately, we also have to answer to lenders who have a very specific code as to what is and what is not acceptable (no, not the same for each one that would make life to easy they all have their own requirements that differ from the Council of Mortgage Lenders Handbook).

When was the last time you spent as much money as you will on a house. Do you want to know if the rights of way are OK? Do you want to know if they are about to convert those playing fields behind into a landfill site, Do you want to know if your vendor had permission for the alterations/extensions he made to the property and actually owns all he is trying to sell to you. Do you want to know that if you take a mortage with the same bank that you have your current account/credit cards/car loans with that as soon as you complete that mortgage that you signed it covers ALL of those loans not just the money you borrowed to buy your house. Default on ONE of them and you could loose your house?

I could go on and on (and probably have) about the things we have to check and the things we are help responsible for both to the client and the lender.

For all this you will pay about �350 - �400 depending on where you are in the country yet most people don't bat an eyelid at paying �100 to have a �5,000 car inspected that they are thinking of buying.

Comunication is a problem. There isn't enough time in the day to phone each client and say sorry that planning permission I was waiting for hasn't come in today.

As I said, its one of the reasons I don't do conveyancing anymore, its a thankless job....and I wouldn't dare tell you lot my husband is an estate agent otherwise I really would get cruscified

Well said Debbie.

We are in the middle of a move to Ireland at the moment and to make things really difficult we are dealing with three sets of solicitors. Ours for selling, ours in Ireland for buying, and the vendors in Ireland who are giving us grief for being late, while still finding time to close for a fortnight at the end of this month!

Communication is the main problem we have, fair enough, there may not be enough hours in the day to ring every client, but recently it took me eight days to get to speak with our irish solicitor. Then when I did get hold of him, he told me he hadn't phoned because he had nothing to tell me. I would have rather heard that he had nothing to tell me than be left wondering in another country!


Joined: 30 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We are desparate to get out of this country as a general rule we hate the attitude of the gov, of being ripped off left right and centre and of a feeling that society is going down hill.

We want to get a small holding in NZ or CA. Almost went tihs year but sale of house did not happen. We have decided to wait now as we love our farm and it offers us all that we want in another country but unfortunately is in this country. So we are going to enjoy living here while my 3 year olds grandparents and great grandparents are still alive and earn money and experience and instead prob go in 10-15yrs instead.

Who knows country may sort its attitude out!!

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 7:28 am    Post subject: Re: stuck in this place for a bit longer Reply with quote

Debbie wrote:
I have been thinking about how to reply to this thread because whatever I say is there is going to be an argument against it...like most things I suppose.

Conveyancers (be they solicitors or not) are now seen as a necessary evil. However we don't just go through the mechanics of transferring property from one name to another we do have to make sure that what you are buying conforms to the requirements of the day. Unfortauntely these can change from year to year and we no longer have the option of "taking a view on it" In the past we could say to a client .."look we have a problem with the insurance on this lease because because because..these are the pros and cons of going ahead and its up to you." Now, unfortunately, we also have to answer to lenders who have a very specific code as to what is and what is not acceptable (no, not the same for each one that would make life to easy they all have their own requirements that differ from the Council of Mortgage Lenders Handbook).

When was the last time you spent as much money as you will on a house. Do you want to know if the rights of way are OK? Do you want to know if they are about to convert those playing fields behind into a landfill site, Do you want to know if your vendor had permission for the alterations/extensions he made to the property and actually owns all he is trying to sell to you. Do you want to know that if you take a mortage with the same bank that you have your current account/credit cards/car loans with that as soon as you complete that mortgage that you signed it covers ALL of those loans not just the money you borrowed to buy your house. Default on ONE of them and you could loose your house?

I could go on and on (and probably have) about the things we have to check and the things we are help responsible for both to the client and the lender.

For all this you will pay about �350 - �400 depending on where you are in the country yet most people don't bat an eyelid at paying �100 to have a �5,000 car inspected that they are thinking of buying.

Comunication is a problem. There isn't enough time in the day to phone each client and say sorry that planning permission I was waiting for hasn't come in today.

As I said, its one of the reasons I don't do conveyancing anymore, its a thankless job....and I wouldn't dare tell you lot my husband is an estate agent otherwise I really would get cruscified

I'm glad you posted that it is an important job no doubt.


Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 8:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is an important job, there is no denying it, but there is no excuse for incompetence. If I was running a business I�d make my customers a priority. Unfortunately it hasn�t ever come across to me that solicitors think the same


Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 10:58 am    Post subject: stuck in this place for a bit longer Reply with quote

As I said Twoscoops there are good and bad in all jobs.

I do empathise with you......i am dealing with the solicitor from hell myself at the moment. because of his tardiness we stand to loose the 50 acres next to us that has come up for sale by formal tender. He cannot even be polite when I speak to him and perfessional courtesy seems to mean nothing.

Don't think I am standing up for the entire legal profession....I definitely am not I could tell you some horror stories about some of the solicitors I have had to deal with that would make your hair curl I am just saying we are not all the same and some of us really do bend over backwards to help our clients and most of us do a good job.

If you were buying a domestic property Twoscoops I would offer to act for you myself (although i am "retired") or at least put you in touch with my ex assistant who is now qualified and a junior partner in a firm of conveyancers and we could show you what an efficent conveyancer can do! Unfortunately commercial premises are not within my remit



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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 11:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Debbie. As I said earlier the guy I've been dealing with recently has been fine, especially since I started talkim to him directly rather than to his staff.


Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 11:28 am    Post subject: stuck in this place for a bit longer Reply with quote

Good luck in your next venture Twoscoops and please keep your fingers crossed for us although if the very nice man I am dealing with at the moment has his way we don't stand a hope in hell!


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 11:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good luck to you both


Joined: 28 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 11:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Might it be worth complaining and getting a new one? I guess everything happens for a reason, as people keep telling me.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 11:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It isn't necessarily a good reason though.


Joined: 04 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 11:49 am    Post subject: stuck in this place for a bit longer Reply with quote

I'm acting for myself the main problem is that this guy is acting (or meant to be) for the vendor so I am a bit stuck with him really.....If he carries on though I will set Simon on him No one has persistance like an estate agent


Joined: 02 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 05 3:55 pm    Post subject: Re: stuck in this place for a bit longer Reply with quote

Debbie wrote:
If he carries on though I will set Simon on him No one has persistance like an estate agent

Simon doesn't speak Portuguese does he?!

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