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Tourist Season - Increase in litter
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Joined: 19 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 10 10:06 am    Post subject: Tourist Season - Increase in litter Reply with quote

Not sure if it is just here but July/August see our tourist numbers rise dramatically together with an huge increase in the amount of litter irresponsibly disposed of - left on the side of the road, dumped on the beaches, chucked out of car windows....despite an increased number of bins etc during season.

It amazes me as people come here for the natural beauty and nature yet they abuse it and leave their mess for us who live here all year round. Credit where it is due though - the local council are very efficient and try and keep on top of it.

Anyone else notice this in your areas?


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 10 10:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's a continual problem or more correctly a blight. Can't blame tourists as the litter around here is deposited at all time of the year but tourism adds to the problem.

There doesn't appear to be a guilt associated with litter dropping. Whole families on picnics in beauty spots just leave their rubbish where they've been sitting. It only takes a few to do this and others follow the example.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 10 10:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yup...lots more litter in the forest, along with people feeding the ponies rubbish,encouraging the ponies to eat from their hands, leading to ponies becoming a nuisance in the car parks, ponies approaching people and getting annoyed when there's no food, reports of tourists being kicked etc etc etc....


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 10 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lettucewoman wrote:
Yup...lots more litter in the forest, along with people feeding the ponies rubbish,encouraging the ponies to eat from their hands, leading to ponies becoming a nuisance in the car parks, ponies approaching people and getting annoyed when there's no food, reports of tourists being kicked etc etc etc....

They try and feed the wild horses here but they are timid of humans - doesn't stop them leaving food around though.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 10 8:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Litter - one of my pet hates! Certainly a spike here in the summer!

Why some people think it is acceptable to throw a carrier full of rubbish into a hedge, rather than keep it with them until they've reached a bin, I don't know. And another thing! I'm amazed when I see full "poop scoop" bag, tied up and dropped on the floor - that's worse than just leaving your dog mess on the beach in the first place - bizarre!

Still - it is the minority who offend so shouldn't tar all visitors with the same brush.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 10 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not rubbish but here I can tell when winter is coming as the dog muck levels go up as people stop walking the farm tracks and opt for shorter routes instead


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 10 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh...and what really bugs me are the tourists who think it's fine to take their dogs on the beaches and leave them to roam about unattended....Ted had the jacket over the back of his chair p**sed on by one....and the real annoyance is that dogs are BANNED on this beach from may to october!!


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 10 5:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We find the amount of rubbish in the canal increases during the better weather, I dont think it is just boaters but the amount of walkers and cyclists go up as well. We pick out any rubbish when it floats into the marina so that it does not wrap around any customers props. As someone else has already said not all visitors are to be tarred with the same brush.

If anyone drops litter whilst on site, we do ask them to pick it up and put it in the bin. Just by asking usually shames them into doing it. When it should be that litter is not dropped in the first place.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 10 9:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

we have a bus stop not far from one of our fields and the amount of rubbish dumped over the wall is ... tin cans/beer cans are bad enough but glass bottles! It got worse when the stop became a shelter, now walkers caught in the rain loitor there.

Unless they have some vision problem people can clearly see the horses in the fields and they still dump the rubbish... I wonder how happy they'd be if i turned up at their home and dumped my rubbish in their garden without a care to any pet living there


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 10 7:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not tourists but hunters. The wild boar season starts soon and we will be forever picking up after the hunters. It amazes me, you would have thought that hunting types would respect the great outdoors, most of them here are litter louts. They also think that everyones land is one big 4x4 adventure playground.
I hate them with a passion.


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 10 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The greensward near Goring beach is a midden after a sunny weekend, completely strewn with picnic detritus. I simply don't understand why people don't take their rubbish home with them. Many don't even bother to dump it near the bins. People of similar mentality hang bags of dog poo all along the fence by Climping beach .


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 10 2:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ilkley Moor is often littered with rubbish after a bank holiday weekend. At least the areas around the car parks are. The people who drop litter though seldom walk very far - so the further out bits are ok.

If there was any natural justice the idiots who pick up dog poo and leave it in plastic bags hanging on trees and bushes must be destined for eternal damnation - why oh why do they do that???


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 10 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Litter louts, just about my least favourite people in the world.

At least once a week we have to go around the farm to do a litter pick.
Most recent one, the day before yesterday 2 young men seemed to think it ideal to come down our lane on scooters, get off and sit on the grass verge for an hour or so quaffing cans of Blackthorn.
When they had finished they placed the cans carefully lined up on the verge and b******d off, leaving them for us to clear up!!!

Oh and those blasted metallic plastic balloons are all over the farm as well.

Dog poo?
It's biodegradable ain't it?
Just flick it out of the way, it's gone in a few days.... unless it's in a plastic bag of course.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 10 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Litter and fly tipping - hate them both. I personally would report anyone I witnessed littering or illegal tipping.

Lancashire Rach

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 10 7:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I once was driving home and turned into our lane to be greeted by a big pile of builders rubble blocking the whole road. I had to turn around and go another way to get home. I rang the council when I got home, when I went out to walk my dogs (neither of whom are left to foul footpaths or beaches, I always pick up after them no matter where they do their bits!!!) and the council had been out and I nearly wet myself laughing! They left the rubble blocking the road and had been out specially to put some plastic cones around it!!

We also have take away meal bags of various well known burger and fast food stores where people stop in a lay by and then just drop it out the window. Fly tipping happens regularly, last year we found two sofas in the river and one by the side near our home. We took a picture and emailed it to the council along with a copy of the payslip with the name and address and place of employment of it's previous owner which was shoved down the back! What do you think the council did?
Yep, you got it nada, rien, nothing!

We have two nearby Fishing clubs, the local fishermen are well quite frankly disgusting. They leave emptied plastic water/pop bottles full of urine just lying about. Food wrappers, bait packs - you name it and I think I have seen it! Rubbish is dumped over the wall into my neighbours field quite regularly.
Oh yeh, and beer cans and pop cans get thrown out of car windows quite regularly along the lane too.

The most annoying thing is the urban tumbleweed created on recycling day. I am sick of tidying up after the recycling truck has been around, they just drop stuff everywhere and can't be bothered to pick it up. Last month they dropped some glass jars which smashed everywhere and just left it, guess who ended up cleaning it up.

So my conclusion- In the main we Lancashire folks just don't care about litter, the motorways round here are lined with all kinds of detritus. It is on the streets and in the parks. It's almost as though it's invisible 'cause when you remark on it people look at you like you have grown and extra head.....

When I payed a visit to Devon/Cornwall last year I was astonished at just how tidy and clean it was everywhere. I loved it and wanted to go an live there - if only I had some large wads of the green stuff I'd be there like a shot.

Rant over Sorry, just a bit fed up of seeing rubbish everywhere!


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