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Guidance on disposal of ragwort

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Joined: 01 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 05 8:13 am    Post subject: Guidance on disposal of ragwort Reply with quote


Landowners were today (Monday 19 September) offered new guidelines for getting rid of ragwort - a poisonous plant which kills hundreds of horses each year.

The guide, published by Rural Affairs Minister Jim Knight, offers help and advice on how to dispose of the weed correctly and stop its re-growth.

The document, Guidance on the Disposal Options for Common Ragwort, was drawn up for Defra by consultants ADAS. It supplements the advice given in the Code of Practice on how to prevent the spread of ragwort, which was published last year following the introduction of the Ragwort Control Act 2003.

The guidelines include advice on how to dispose of ragwort from all types of land and highlights that incorrect disposal is likely to result in further spread through seed dispersal and re-growth in root sections. The guide also stresses the importance of early and effective control.

Jim Knight, Minister for the Horse Industry, said today:

"I welcome this guidance on the disposal options for ragwort, which follows up the work Defra carried out last year on the Code of Practice. Responsible disposal is an essential part of the chain in controlling ragwort and reducing the welfare risk to horses and other animals from the threat of ragwort poisoning."

The publication of the guidance ties in with The British Horse Society's Ragwort Awareness Week, from September 19-23.

Helen Owens, the BHS's Senior Executive for Welfare, said:

"This important document is very welcome and chimes with The British Horse Society's ongoing campaign to reduce the risks faced by horse and other animals from this weed. We have produced leaflets and posters to raise awareness and educate land owners on these dangers and the responsible disposal of ragwort."


1. Ragwort is one of five injurious weeds specified in the Weeds Act 1959. If eaten, ragwort causes long-term cumulative liver damage in livestock and other animals, and can have potentially fatal consequences. Exact numbers of deaths are difficult to determine as the liver needs to be dissected.

2. The Weeds Act 1959 empowers the Secretary of State to take action to prevent the spread of Common Ragwort and the other four injurious weeds covered by the Act (Creeping or Field Thistle, Spear Thistle, Curled Dock and Broad-Leaved Dock).

3. The Weeds Act does not make it an offence to permit injurious weeds to grow on land. Under the Act, the Secretary of State has a permissive power to serve a notice on an occupier of any land on which one of the fine injurious weeds is growing requiring the occupier to take action to prevent the weeds from spreading. The Act permits officials to enter land to inspect whether an enforcement notice has been complied with. If an occupier has unreasonably failed to comply with the notice he or she shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction liable to a fine. Where the occupier fails to take clearance action, the Secretary of State may take action to arrange for the weeds to be removed and to recover the cost of doing so, if necessary through the Courts.

4. The Ragwort Control Act came into force on 20 February 2004 and amends the Weeds Act. The Act enables the Secretary of State to make a Code of Practice for the purpose of providing guidance on how to prevent the spread of Common Ragwort. Defra worked with stakeholders, such as The British Horse Society, Wildlife and Countryside Link, Network Rail, the Local Government Association, English Nature and the British Beekeepers Association to prepare the Code of Practice, which was published in July last year.

5. Defra investigates complaints about ragwort and the other injurious weeds where there is a threat to land used for the keeping or grazing of horses and other animals, land used for the production of conserved forage and other agricultural activities. In all cases, Defra would expect the complainant to have made contact with the owner/occupier of the land on which the weeds are growing to resolve the matter informally, before making a complaint to Defra. Complaints about injurious weeds are dealt with by Defra' Rural Development Service at Bristol and Crewe. (Telephone: Bristol 0117-959-8622 and Crewe: 01270 754262.) Further details about the new guidelines and Defra's enforcement procedures can be found on the Defra website at https://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/weedsact/default.htm

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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 05 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why don't Defra target local/county councils, too?
Ragwort seems to be the adopted plant in Carmarthenshire. It is growing along almost every highway here, and nothing seems to be done about it!!
It's all very well farmers/landowners, etc struggling to clear their land of this weed, but all in vain if seeds are going to disperse from
I have a bugbear regarding ragwort, as my Chestnut Cob, Quinn, has liver damage, probably from its ingestion.
He was showing signs, in spring of last year, of sweat itch, and also sweating excessively, even when at rest.
A routine blood test showed extremely high liver enzymes (off the scale) and after several further tests (including a liver biopsy), he was diagnosed with liver damage, probably from eating ragwort in his "previous life".
He is now pretty much stabilised (not to be confused with stabled!! ) on medication, and is able to live a full and active life.
Perhaps the worst thing about ragwort poisoning is its difficulty in recognising the signs - because there often aren't any
It is not known how many animals are affected, and will never be known unless the livers of all animals (including those having been slaughtered) have been tested.
The likelihood of this is probably nil!!
OK, off my soapbox, now - I am calm again. (heavy sigh)


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 05 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I seem to spend large portions of my time digging up ragwort as fast as it regrows spread from neighbouring fields, hedgerows etc

At present I am burning it .... Totally illicit but what should I be doing?


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 05 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have not yet been able to totally eradicate ragwort from our field, due to the fact that there is ragwort growing on a nearby road and in adjacent fields.

We have tried all methods of removal - Barrier H seems quite good, this year we have been back to the ragwort fork and heavy duty plastic bags. We burn it, when possible.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 05 1:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apparently DEFRA recommend burning it as one of the disposal methods - as long as you don't produce any black smoke, either by burning it when wet, or burning it with tyres

Blue Peter

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 06 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just refreshing this topic.

Is ragwort an illegal weed?

We have possibly got some growing in our garden . I have contacted the council, since I was hoping that someone from there might be able to ID it for me. Anyway, after passing through a couple of departments, the answer appears to be that it isn't an illegal weed anymore (does the 2004 Act amend its status), and I should use a systemic herbicide,



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PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 06 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pull it up and compost it properly or burn it . it seeds on the wind so any time before seed blow is fine . no need for weedkiller .

Blue Peter

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 06 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dpack wrote:
pull it up and compost it properly or burn it . it seeds on the wind so any time before seed blow is fine . no need for weedkiller .

Is it an annual, biennial or perennial?



Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 06 3:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My understanding is that landowners can still be prosecuted for not disposing of ragwort on their land.
Unless something has drastically changed?
I have an article somewhere in one of my horse magazines. I will try and find it.
Mind you, it seems that councils are the only ones not paying attention to the problems that ragwort causes
You only have to look at the roadways around Carmarthenshire to agree that ragwort should be our county flower.
The first horse that I bought has liver damage, probably caused by eating ragwort during his "previous life".
His condition is stabilised now, but he requires steroids, probably for the rest of his life.
No-one knows how many animals are poisoned by ragwort every year, as livestock is normally slaughtered before symptoms are recognised.
Please, when handling ragwort, always wear gloves, as it is poisonous to humans, too!!!
Of course, if your liver is damaged, the medics will probably blame your level of alcohol intake, instead of the ragwort!!
Sorry, I'll get off my soap box, now.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 06 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

details huh .
see it ,pull it up .
or let the cinnabar moths eat it .

Bovey Belle

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 06 6:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anna-Marie - how I agree with you - Carms County Council seem to be growing it as a cash crop along the verges here in Carmarthenshire. It irritates me beyond belief too - I pull any in our field up and burn it, but there must be a lot of wind-born seed which is dispersed locally. A neighbour just above us had about 10 acres of the stuff a couple of years ago but she has now got her act together and sprayed it.

Why should it be just responsible horse-owners like us keeping on top of it?

It is very much a perennial by the way, for whoever asked - and if you break a bit of the root off when you are digging it out, it will still return.

dpack - for some strange reason, I don't think there are very many Cinnebar moths in this neck of the woods. Not like when we lived in Dorset, and you would have their stripey caterpillars munching away on any ragwort they found. No Brimstone Butterflies either (but think they need Alder Buckthorn and that doesn't grow in our part of Wales).


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 10 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anna-marie wrote:
My understanding is that landowners can still be prosecuted for not disposing of ragwort on their land.
Unless something has drastically changed?
I have an article somewhere in one of my horse magazines. I will try and find it.
Mind you, it seems that councils are the only ones not paying attention to the problems that ragwort causes
You only have to look at the roadways around Carmarthenshire to agree that ragwort should be our county flower.
The first horse that I bought has liver damage, probably caused by eating ragwort during his "previous life".
His condition is stabilised now, but he requires steroids, probably for the rest of his life.
No-one knows how many animals are poisoned by ragwort every year, as livestock is normally slaughtered before symptoms are recognised.
Please, when handling ragwort, always wear gloves, as it is poisonous to humans, too!!!
Of course, if your liver is damaged, the medics will probably blame your level of alcohol intake, instead of the ragwort!!
Sorry, I'll get off my soap box, now.

Please check your facts before spreading these stories. They are extremely frightening to some people.
In fact Ragwort poisoning is very rare in animals and you CANNOT be poisoned by handling it.

Ragwort facts

Especially this for why you should not frighten people.

Ragwort Poisoning humans

and this
Ragwort the sense and the nonsense

Ty Gwyn

Joined: 22 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 10 8:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Beings your articles are from Fiends of the Earth,

Why have`nt you contacted the relevant departments ,ie State Veterinary,Defra and the Council,who issue this information.

I noticed one of your links refers to the Ffos y fran opencast site near Merthyr Tudfil,don`t you think the area will be improved from what it was?

I wonder if you have ever been up the Cwm bargoed road to where the settlement tanks are,and noticed the rubbish that locals dump on the common where Animals graze,

Suppose that does`nt come under your jurisdiction,fouling of the Earth.


Joined: 03 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 10 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I found Senecio inaequidens, the South African ragwort, by chance in an unused lot in a harbour in the south of Norway last week.

It is supposed to be only the third location where it has been found in this country.

I'm rather proud of the find

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