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Aberaeron 050611

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Joined: 26 Jan 2009
Posts: 152
Location: Lampeter, west Wales
PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 11 9:01 pm    Post subject: Aberaeron 050611 Reply with quote

After a month of winds here in west Wales there was a small window of lower winds today, so packed up the car last night for an early start - then slept in!

Arrived at Aberaeron around 11am and launched off the beach with minimal gear and two light rods. Paddled out to usual reef mark against the last of the flood tide with some white horses breaking. After getting used to the light swell I tried some drifts over the reef with artificial eel and jighead on one rod and usual shrimp rig on the other.

Finally got off the mark with a small pollack after around an hour on the ebb tide, which took the bottom shrimp whilst I was paddling upwind back over the reef

This was repeated several times over the next four hours, but all 9 pollack were returned to grow bigger - varying from 1/4 lb up to 1/2 lb in weight.

No sign of the mackeral yet or the bass. A few other kayakers were about, taking advantage of the lower wind too, along with some sailors in the morning making good use of the wind that was about.

I paddled back towards the river mouth around 2.30 and tried around a flock of diving seagulls but nothing doing. The sea flattened off after I went ashore and had called back into Milford coastguard, but four hours was probably enough after a month without paddling.

Hope the weather changes in the next couple of weeks and the mackeral and tope turn up as I have some leave penciled in the diary

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