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gil Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 08 Jun 2005 Posts: 18420
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 06 3:55 pm Post subject: Traders Section from Home Page |

Just spotted this in the Traders Section of the Home Page. Sorry if I'm arriving late for a discussion that was had ages ago, but a few thoughts / comments etc.
The main reason for this site, is to allow members to advertise their products and services.
Did you mean 'this page' ? Surely advertising is not the main reason for Downsizer's existence ? Or am I just hopelessly naive ?
They may freely do this within the rules layed down by the sites ethos.
rules... ethos - where are these stated ? Either a restatement or a weblink would be useful here. Can something as vague as an ethos lay down rules ?
All stories and services submitted must be linked to a forum where a members credibility can be judged.
What does the above mean ? (it's not clear to me)
To start the process, you will need to create an account and then use the "Contact Us" option to explain a little about yourself. Our requirements are quite loose, running to little more than requiring that you have a reputation on a forum you would be concerned about losing, and that you have a general belief in supporting non intensive food production and fair trade generally.
'quite loose, running to little more than....'
Doesn't this rather play down any principles we might have articulated between ourselves ?
a reputation on a forum you would be concerned about losing,
Unlikely to deter scams / weirdoes / quick-buck merchants
I can see what is meant, but also think it contains get-outs for the unscrupulous. I know it hasn't really been a problem so far, but might need tightening if we are going to do more with traders.
Think I'm also feeling a bit unsettled by the appearance of the googleads, which I find quite intrusive where they are now at the top of the page. I realise that I mentally block out the sides of the screen when I browse.
Rant over. Apologies. I'll go and put the kettle on. |
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jema Downsizer Moderator
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gil Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 08 Jun 2005 Posts: 18420
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Posted: Thu Feb 23, 06 5:01 pm Post subject: Policy edit. |

I'm happy to have a go
"One of the functions of this site, is to allow members to advertise their products and services. They may freely do this within firstly the constraints of the laws of the land, and secondly a general sense of fair-trading, ethical responsibility, and general reasonableness.
To start the process, you will need to create an account and then use the "Contact Us" option to explain a little about yourself. Our requirements are quite loose, running to little more than requiring that you have a reputation on a forum you would be concerned about losing, and a general belief in supporting non intensive food production and fair trade generally.
Whilst Downsizer vets our advertisers as far as possible, any dealings between our members constitute a private contract and you should take all normal precautions when making a purchase, handing over credit-card details etc. Any losses incurred as a result of dealing with our advertisers or complaints about service/quality of goods need to be resolved by dealing directly with the advertiser concerned, though please let us know if you have any bad experiences with members trading on this site.
Best wishes
The Management"
I'm sorry I've had to rush this as we're off to do our weekly Tesco shop.
You know I'm kidding right? But I am really off to play football. Feel free to edit or delete or trash.  |
gil Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 08 Jun 2005 Posts: 18420
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 06 5:19 pm Post subject: |

here's an amalgamation of Lozzie and RoryD's plus my comments / edits. wotcha reckon ?
One of the original ideas behind this site was to try and offer help and practical assistance to members wishing to advertise their products and services to a community of like-minded people.
Regular posters on the other forums/boards (such as Grow Your Own or Foraging) quickly establish an on-line identity and credibility for themselves. If you've not done so already, please register yourself as a member and start interacting!
Send us an email (to what address?), explaining a little about yourself and the products or services that you offer. These should, of course, be legal (which laws apply in cyberspace ?). Our own additional requirements for potential advertisers are not particularly stringent, but we do require that you have built a reputation on our forums that you would be concerned about losing, and that you have a general belief in supporting non-intensive food production and fair trade generally.
If you need help drafting text for your advertisement, we can also try and help you with that. Just contact me (Lozzie) by private message (PM) through the forum.
A note to customers: Whilst Downsizer vets our advertisers as far as possible, any dealings between our members constitute a private contract and you should take all normal precautions when making a purchase, handing over credit-card details etc. Any losses incurred as a result of dealing with our advertisers or complaints about service/quality of goods need to be resolved by dealing directly with the advertiser concerned. However, please let us know if you have any bad experiences with members trading on this site, by contacting [a name / email address x@downsizer.etc].
Best wishes
The Management
still looking at the version for the main page which I think nneds to be differently arranged.
Last edited by gil on Thu Feb 23, 06 5:34 pm; edited 2 times in total |
Joined: 25 May 2005 Posts: 2595
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gil Downsizer Moderator
Joined: 08 Jun 2005 Posts: 18420
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 06 5:50 pm Post subject: |

And here's the re-ordered version for the Traders Section off the Home Page :
Home page version
A more inspiring picture, please. If you put the cursor over the pic, it says 'article', which suggests writing.
This text to be in a larger font :
This section of our main site provides members and guests with links to information about products and services offered by other members of Downsizer (the Traders). [This is different from the Trading Post board over on the forums, where all members can offer items for sale or exchange]
The following paragraphs to be in normal sized or smaller font :
A Note to Customers :
Whilst Downsizer vets our advertisers as far as possible, any dealings between our members constitute a private contract and you should take all normal precautions when making a purchase, handing over credit-card details etc. Any losses incurred as a result of dealing with our advertisers or complaints about service/quality of goods need to be resolved by dealing directly with the advertiser concerned. However, please let us know if you have any bad experiences with members trading on this site, by contacting [a name / email address x@downsizer.etc].
A Note to Potential Traders / Advertisers:
One of the original ideas behind this site was to try and offer help and practical assistance to members wishing to advertise their products and services to a community of like-minded people.
Regular posters on the other boards quickly establish an on-line identity and credibility for themselves. If you've not done so already, please register yourself as a member and start interacting!
Send us an email (to what address?), explaining a little about yourself and the products or services that you offer. These should, of course, be legal (which laws apply in cyberspace ?). Our own additional requirements for potential advertisers are not particularly stringent, but we do require that you have built a reputation on our forums that you would be concerned about losing, and that you have a general belief in supporting non-intensive food production and fair trade generally.
If you need help drafting text for your advertisement, we can also try and help you with that. Just contact Lozzie by private message (PM) through the forum.
Best wishes,
The Management
The list of categories :
edit : Crafts : Find producers and suppliers of materials and finished products here
BTW, why is RoryD's pepper in the crafts section, and not in farm shops with the other food producers ?
Also, if RobR is going into knitting wool, should he also be in the crafts section as well as Food?
Feel free to edit as thought fit. |
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