I sowed some cut and come again lettuce and spinach for salad leaves in a container the on Sunday. If carrots are put in now, will they grow enough outside to be worth while, as mine have been a disaster so far this year?
Joined: 13 Jan 2009 Posts: 9075 Location: South Wales
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 19 6:54 am Post subject:
I have a carrot bed but I can't plant anything in it because a rabbit has taken to undermining it and tunnelling through!
Joined: 23 Jan 2009 Posts: 9000 Location: Ayrshire, Scotland
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 19 7:40 am Post subject:
I could put carrots in the polytunnel..might be an idea as we're further north..
If carrots are put in now, will they grow enough outside to be worth while, as mine have been a disaster so far this year?
It's been 10 years since I had a veg plot but I'm sure I used to sow carrots for baby carrots now. Maybe 2 weeks to germinate? Could be quicker in this weather. Should get a useful crop by October (definitely so in a polytunnel)
Leeks? should get some pencil sized ones by the time it gets cold, just sow direct quite thick and let them get on with it
Joined: 23 Jan 2009 Posts: 9000 Location: Ayrshire, Scotland
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 19 4:35 pm Post subject:
Pak Choi in, and early carrots and wallflowers!
Climbing French Beans sown. I think I've got some leek seed....
It will be interesting to compare the results eventually, as we are spread geographically
Joined: 13 Jan 2009 Posts: 9075 Location: South Wales
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 19 6:20 pm Post subject:
I have some leeks ready to be planted out. Just need to weed the bed they are going into.
I might try some more carrots and leeks in the bed I have cleared the potatoes from. It is under a hedge, but it might work. The carrots I sowed a few weeks ago have come up all right; well some have, the multicolour ones seem a bit shy.
Joined: 13 Jan 2009 Posts: 9075 Location: South Wales
Posted: Thu Aug 01, 19 7:06 am Post subject:
My purple ones always did well but to be honest, I found them a bit bland. The white were the sweetest, followed bbq the orange, then the yellow. The purple were oddly savoury in a potato sort of way. A good foil for the rest, I suppose.