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Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 07 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

google search results come for free so long as you promote your site in the right ways.

sponsored google adwords links are paid by the click through I pay about 10p a click for mine, but that is on the cheap end of what you need to pay.

Hosting varies between �2-�10 a month for what you need, I'm thinking of offering hosting on a more organized basis than how I currently host a few downsizers for �5 a month. My view on very cheap hosting is that ultimately you get what you pay for, how much support can you really get in the long term if you are paying practically nothing? and how overloaded will the servers be?


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 07 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NeathChris wrote:
That mrsite looks amazing to me!! Im not exactly computer literate.
The domain hosying how much is that a year?
Also how much to list on google?

Ahh Google now that all depends on what you mean by listing - If you just want a basic listing - ie It appears in the search well thats free but you have to wait for Google to find you

If you want to appear in the side bar of Google or at the top thats obviously going to cost you money - you need to take a look at the info on Googles advertising programmes https://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/ads/

As for hosting - I'd hand that over to Jema but I've got to say that Mr Site looks fantastic if you are prepared to do the work

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 07 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chez wrote:
jocorless wrote:
Don't want to step on chezs toes - didn't notice she'd offered as well

I'm happy to do something for you but I'm equally happy to hand you over to Chez

Plus she is nearer to you as well which would make more sense

No toe-stepping involved, happy to, but won't be offended if jocorless will do a better job. I haven't done a buying online facility yet, although am just about to do one for someone using paypal.

There is a lot to be said for getting stuff done locally. being able to talk to someone in the flesh has always helped me when doing sites for people.


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 07 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Freewebs ! As the name implies.... free, very easy to use. (If an ejit like me can do it )

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 07 12:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll be needing a website with on-line shopping designed and hosted in the near future (April onwards), though it would be good to get parts of the site up without the shop first, for information to customers.

I'm technically illiterate these days.

Have started on a plan of the site, and will be writing copy shortly.

I'm based SW Scotland : jocorless - would you be interested in setting up the site; jema - hosting it ? How much would it cost ? (Payment in cash or barter)



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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 07 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

gil wrote:
I'll be needing a website with on-line shopping designed and hosted in the near future (April onwards), though it would be good to get parts of the site up without the shop first, for information to customers.

I'm technically illiterate these days.

Have started on a plan of the site, and will be writing copy shortly.

I'm based SW Scotland : jocorless - would you be interested in setting up the site; jema - hosting it ? How much would it cost ? (Payment in cash or barter)


I've sent you a PM


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 07 9:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just a thought - I use www.citymax.com for our site which is incredibly easy and user friendly, and you can have a shop with paypal or an ebay connection - its a really good site builder if you want wysiwig and not too expensive - about �100 a year. Loads of features and easy to use your own domain name.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 07 8:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The question I'd ask about such sitebuilders is what happens when you need to go outside of their box?

e.g. If I do a site for someone it has their own domain name, that they own and control having registered it with a domain registration system, it is on hosting (preferably mine) but they can by and large choose where to go. It is based on "open source" software so that if they want to take their business elsewhere they can and it will be maintainable.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 07 7:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jema wrote:
The question I'd ask about such sitebuilders is what happens when you need to go outside of their box?

e.g. If I do a site for someone it has their own domain name, that they own and control having registered it with a domain registration system, it is on hosting (preferably mine) but they can by and large choose where to go. It is based on "open source" software so that if they want to take their business elsewhere they can and it will be maintainable.

our domain name belongs to me - and I see what you mean about the site, but I guess I could take it elswhere - however at the moment why would I? I can update it whenever I want, change the pages, the design,the colours, the layout - upload my own designs, add flash, sell if I want to from the site, pay a dollar more and get more emails - add streaming media, RSS feeds, my own html....for about �100 a year.

i investigated every other wysiwig I could find and this one is the best - the server is reliable with 99% uptime.
I can write my own code, but with this amount of convenience why would i want to? The code is reasonably tidy and it displays in most browsers.

Sorry chaps - don't want to do web designers out of a job but this is a good solution for building your own site.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 07 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been selling my gardening software for 3 years now via the site I built https://www.thevga.co.uk
A lot of the pics I get from istockphoto.com - they have a huge collection of top quality royalty-free images and for $1 each.
The site is hosted by positive-internet.com - I went through 3 other providers but they were all useless. Positive has a great support system and the people there really know there stuff (you get to know them by name). They are not the cheapest but they provide lots of facilities (mysql, perl,php, etc) so your site can grow as complex and big as you like over time.
For the first few years I spent thousands of pounds on ads in gardening magazines. The response in sales usually (but not always) paid for the ad!
I have given up with magazine ads and now find the best way is to get on active forums:lol: where people who might use my software hang out and talk to them! Its also a great way of finding out what people are looking for - then you can tailor your product to the needs of your potential customers.
Do get some real professional advice about search engine optimisation (getting your site to appear near or at the top of a search listing). If people don't hear about your site they will never visit it!
Last word - don't give up! Keep trying new ideas to contact your potential customers.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 07 9:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I keep on telling a certain client of mine that forums is the way to advertise, but they won't listen


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 07 10:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd echo those who say a website is worth the effort. I wrote ours meself, and pay about �30 a year for hosting. So far in the past 12 months it's brought in business worth maybe �3,000. To me a 100:1 return is not bad!

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 07 7:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mine is self built as well, brings me in a steady flow of enquiries and its only a couple of quid a month.

Chris- with the online ordering thing, why not have an 'ordering' page where the client says how much pig they want and at what weight, then you call them when its ready. I know you arent like a normal shop where goods are in stock but the site could indicate when you anticipate having pigs ready and it would allow you to gather the required info from people online meaning you just need to make a quick call to confirm before they go off to slaughter.


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 07 11:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

sally_in_wales wrote:
Chris- with the online ordering thing, why not have an 'ordering' page where the client says how much pig they want and at what weight, then you call them when its ready. I know you arent like a normal shop where goods are in stock but the site could indicate when you anticipate having pigs ready and it would allow you to gather the required info from people online meaning you just need to make a quick call to confirm before they go off to slaughter.

I think this info would be good to add in, Chris. As someone who is starting to look into buying whole/half animals but knows b****r all about timescales and seasons etc, it would be really helpful.

Just got my head bitten off recently for asking a local sheep farmer when lambs would be ready (she sells at the farm gate). I was only trying to have an idea ahead of schedule, so I could order from her


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 07 12:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

this the organic food delivery company I use :https://www.organicstogo.info/meat.html (meat order form)

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