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Learning to hunt Deer
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Joined: 20 May 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 2:34 pm    Post subject: Learning to hunt Deer Reply with quote

We've got nearly 50 acres of land with a good population of visiting red deer.

The land looks perfect for hunting to me, it's got lots of regeneration, woodland, pasture and the like.

Now I'd like to hunt the deer, however there are a few hiccups to that..

1) I've been vegetarian most of my life and I'm not sure I can do it - emotionally not intellectually. Intellectually I'm there, I just don't know if I could pull the trigger.
2) I don't have a gun license
3) I would want to hunt the deer properly, pick the right deer to cull and not the most impressive stag. I wouldn't know where to start.

Any thoughts, ideas, hints and tips...



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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 2:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

From what you have stated, I don't think you are at all suited to hunting deer. Although you say you want to hunt deer, you have just put forward three very compelling reasons to the contrary.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 2:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Or restating those three reasons;

1 - badgerhill is not 100% vegetarian
2 - badgerhill has a potentially suitable location for culling deer
3 - badgerhill has shown a willingness to learn how to do the job properly

You might want to contact the BASC they might be able to help.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 2:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Do nothing.

2. Get someone in, BrownBear springs to mind, who may want to shoot on your land for you.

3. Go through the process of obtaining a firearms certificate, purchasing a suitable rifle, having the land registered with the police for the purpose of shooting deer and go on a deer stalking course such as the DSC1 run administered by BASC.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have a read of this getting your first gun

Got to start somewhere, I am.

(former vegetarian as well )


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

bodger wrote:
From what you have stated, I don't think you are at all suited to hunting deer. Although you say you want to hunt deer, you have just put forward three very compelling reasons to the contrary.

An absolutely fair assessment. That's why I asked for others experience/opinions/advice.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

JB wrote:
Or restating those three reasons;

1 - badgerhill is not 100% vegetarian
2 - badgerhill has a potentially suitable location for culling deer
3 - badgerhill has shown a willingness to learn how to do the job properly

You might want to contact the BASC they might be able to help.

I should have said that I've started to eat meat on ethical reasons! Yip I'm not vegetarian at all anymore. I was a bit misleading wasn't I!

I will investigate BASC, thanks!


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

vegplot wrote:
1. Do nothing.

2. Get someone in, BrownBear springs to mind, who may want to shoot on your land for you.

3. Go through the process of obtaining a firearms certificate, purchasing a suitable rifle, having the land registered with the police for the purpose of shooting deer and go on a deer stalking course such as the DSC1 run administered by BASC.

!) I don't think I could just leave it, as it is a good food source on the land...so..

2) the idea I could get someone in, initially, is a good one. So I can at least, if they didn't mind, watch over their shoulder and get a feel for it.

3) Yip. I think I'm definitely going to do that.

thank you!


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't see any conflict.

You're not sure whether the herd will take management, you don't know if you could stalk properly and you don't know if you could pull the trigger.

Management: get someone in. Marcus BrigBear lives up the leg to you and would be able to advise.
Stalking: When he's had a look round by himself he'd probably be prepared to take you with him and explain what to do.
Killing: you either can or can't. As long as you prepare for shooting so if you can pull the trigger you're as certain as you can be of a clean kill then that's fine. Deer are easily spooked and activly look out for things to spook them. If you manage to get close enough for a clean shot and find yourself unable then don't fire and just enjoy watching them from close quarters; they won't be harmed.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cathryn wrote:
Have a read of this getting your first gun

Got to start somewhere, I am.

(former vegetarian as well )

Read it! It's really good. Where are you in your learning?

It's really good to see another woman starting on this and an ex-veggie to boot!

Thanks Cathryn



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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Northern_Lad wrote:
I don't see any conflict.

You're not sure whether the herd will take management, you don't know if you could stalk properly and you don't know if you could pull the trigger.

Management: get someone in. Marcus BrigBear lives up the leg to you and would be able to advise.
Stalking: When he's had a look round by himself he'd probably be prepared to take you with him and explain what to do.
Killing: you either can or can't. As long as you prepare for shooting so if you can pull the trigger you're as certain as you can be of a clean kill then that's fine. Deer are easily spooked and activly look out for things to spook them. If you manage to get close enough for a clean shot and find yourself unable then don't fire and just enjoy watching them from close quarters; they won't be harmed.

I would absolutely not pull the trigger unless I was confident in myself of a good, clean, shot. There is no way on this earth that I would bring about unnecessary suffering on an animal just because I am a woose. Absolutely no way.

I've been practising doing my own kind of stalking using the camera and have got very close to them. In fact, they act like it's their land and what the hell am I doing on it rather than running off! One stag in particular is like that. We have a video of him standing his ground in a very imperial manner a few feet from us.

I will get in touch with Marcus Brigbear and get some advice from him. I appreciate this could take a few years before I shoot a deer.




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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Northern_Lad wrote:
Marcus BrigBear



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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

what what what?


Joined: 16 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

badgerhill wrote:
Cathryn wrote:
Have a read of this getting your first gun

Got to start somewhere, I am.

(former vegetarian as well )

Read it! It's really good. Where are you in your learning?

It's really good to see another woman starting on this and an ex-veggie to boot!

Thanks Cathryn


Standing behind Brownbear (and my daughter). Going to be good though. Currently suggesting to my daughter that she is supposed to be recognisable in the Shotgun Certificate photos and shouldn't she remove some makeup...

See, brave me, if I can do that I can probably shoot anything.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 08 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

badgerhill wrote:
what what what?

He's refering to BrownBear, at least I think he is. There's probably a private joke in there somewhere. Don't worry you'll get used to it.

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