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Pig - Sore Eye

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Joined: 24 Feb 2005
Posts: 277
Location: Pembrokeshire
PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 05 3:03 pm    Post subject: Pig - Sore Eye Reply with quote

Over the last day or so one of my Kune Kunes has developed a sore eye - very puffy, gunky sleep-like stuff in it and doesn't open very much. I am guessing that some grass seed has gone in his eye - the field they are in has a lot of tall grass which they trundle through all day. I have cleaned the eye as best I can and put some spray savlon around it (obviously not in it!).

Does anyone know anything else I could do? Or should I call the vets and get some antibiotics?

Thank you.



Joined: 16 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 05 9:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How is the eye doing, Hannah? I think you have done the right thing for now in cleaning up around the eye. Perhaps wash it twice a day with a mild salt solution. If it doesn't show any signs of going down after a day or two, think I would call in the vet though.


Joined: 24 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 05 12:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Judith, thanks for asking ... Its a bit better this morning although not great still. Someone suggested some diluted witch hazel then some (human) eye ointment. I will try this and if it doesn't improve by tomorrow I'll call the vets.



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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 05 12:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've never heard of using Witch Hazel anywhere near eyes, but human eye ointment ought not to be a problem.
For putting ointment into an animal's eye, put it first on the (clean) heel of your hand, and use that to transfer it to the animal's eye. Keep the tube away!
I have had advice to use dilute cold tea (no milk or sugar!) as an eyewash for other creatures, but I've never kept a pig.
I believe in their ailments they are not that unlike humans, (and even used for spare parts...).


Joined: 08 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 05 6:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Hannah -

Hope your pig is a bit better - as Dougal has said I think pigs are close to human beings with regards to treatment of ailments, so I probably would have tried a human eye ointment (sorry nearly put oinkment!) or a eye wash.

Please let us know how he gets on.


Joined: 24 Feb 2005
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Location: Pembrokeshire
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 05 11:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi all,

Thank you for all your concern - my pig is now fully recovered! I went to get some stuff for his eye after work and by the time I got home you wouldn't have even known there was ever anything wrong with it, so I'm really pleased. At least I've got some stuff in case it happens again!

Thank you all again



Joined: 16 Dec 2004
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Location: Montgomeryshire
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 05 11:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent news, Hannah. And thanks for the warning about the grass seed, too. I am collecting two porkers on Friday, and the grass in the run area is very long. I'd better get out with the strimmer!

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